Chapter 38

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The worst actions in history were always caused by those who you were certain would do the right things. The seeds of good and evil exist in everyone's heart. Whichever you choose to nurture and give attention to, is the one that will grow.

Manik wiped stains of my lipstick with the back of his palm reminding me of that little pitch black in the bright radiating sun. As my back touched the wall, I rather didn't dare to look at any of the men whose eyes centred me the whole time.

My lipstick looked on his skin like a stain of some cruellest sin. His eyes were like holy space of sinners whereas mine - the museum of saints.

Manik took steps back without breaking that acidic louring upon me and I had the feeling like I was free falling into some dark pit. He didn't seem to be the man we pretended to know, he was something darker as if handmade by the Satan himself. I lowered my gaze in mortification, curling and uncurling my toenails as I prayed for the ground to divide and swallow me underneath. Whistling some wicked tune, he walked up to the door stopping by the side of Randhir.

"I would gladly be the villain if all you want is to be the hero." He snickered into Randhir's ear who had his fists clenched to the limit that they were pale white.

Randhir kept his head facing the ground but one could sense the way his heart was beating under his chest when he grimaced at Manik, loathing just came handy.

"Ouch, that hurts, doesn't it?" I understood how Manik was pushing Randhir's buttons when Randhir tore his eyes away from him to me and I could say he didn't look at me the way he always had. Nothing could ever be the same again. "Well, I don't know about anyone but I burned a lot of calories." Manik chuckled evilly and my eyes narrowed.

It was matter of seconds that I horribly and helplessly witnessed Randhir pouncing on Manik grabbing his collar before his balled fist connected with his jawline. Petrified, I shrieked with one hand covering my mouth and the other on my chest and honestly, I could feel my numb heart. Manik, at first, seemed too taken aback by the attack on him to react but when realisation dawned upon him, his eyes turned poisonous and he raised his clenched knuckles high in the air to break Randhir's jaw with a loud scream that could deafen the world.

Before things got any more out of hand which kind of already was, I ran in between them with my back facing Randhir and face watching the blood at the corner of Manik's lips. He shook in anger as he tried to tackle me aside in an attempt to hurt Randhir but without thinking anything, I started begging Manik to not hurt Randhir who in turn was furiously trying to move me away to get back at Manik. Literally, I was nothing when it came to strength of two muscular men who tried to step me away and with this dysfunctional brain of mine no other remedy came knocking my brain other than yelling and shedding tears of horror. It felt like one of the men had the death of other written in their stars that night.

"Don't you dare hurt him with your filthy darkness, Mr. Manik Malhotra. You are so dark that you'll turn the person who wants to love you into darkness." I screamed at the top of my lungs watching Manik's advancing kunckles about to land on Randhir's face.

Seriously, I didn't expect anything out of anyone but it kind of stunned me seeing that fist freezing halfway in the air. I exhaled heavily thanking Lord and quickly ran again in between them and ended up doing something which never in a million years I wanted to happen.

I pushed Manik in his guts and surprisingly, the ever so strong Manik Malhotra stumbled back with his eyes fixed at the floor. My heart for a second ached remembering my words but they came with no antidote. Randhir tried to move me away to attack Manik over again until I clasped his hand, begging a helpless no. Our heads turned to Manik who still stood facing the floor and I knew from the corner of his eyes, he watched Randhir's hand in mine.

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