Chapter 55

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Tell me, Dad, which should I ask forgiveness for? What I am or what I am not?

Tell me, my late mother, which should I regret? What I became or what I didn't?

The elevator door parted open exposing the posh hallway and on its elegant carpet as I took my first step, my mind was clear again of what I was and who I was. As I walked blotting out all of the inhibitions, I reminded myself that Manik Malhotra is exactly as dark as people think of him. And, not every story turns into one where one girl magically turns a beast into a prince. In some stories, he forever stays one forever. A beast.

"She is waiting for you in the poolside cafeteria." Abhimanyu locked the screen of his iPad trailing behind me.

Nodding, I put on my sunglasses adopting the darkness that defined me oh so well. Two bodyguards were on either of my sides not exactly hiding me from lustful sighs of the little number of women standing in the corners. A woman reached her hand, offering me a red rose but when she could hardly pass her tender hand through the watch of my bodyguard, I smirked, extending my own arm to receive the token of love. She blushed in her notoriously little dress when my thumb brushed her fingers and I believe, I gave her the most starstruck moment of her life.

"The boss is here." As the door to the cafeteria was opened, one of my bodyguards announced

The woman sitting in one of the tables, stood up, wiped her hand in the fine fabric of her clothing and extended for a shake. "Seems, it's no longer difficult to get hold of you."

Smirking, I brought her hand to my lips studying those scarlet cheeks through my dark glasses. "Only when I want to."

Coy, she withdrew her hand not exactly knowing what to do and smiled nervously. "Shall we start the interview? My guys are ready."

My conceited, hidden eyes scanned the empty cafeteria liking the idea that the place was emptied beforehand in my honour and I nodded a yes. Abhimanyu guided us to the table that was right by the glassed wall where from I could easily get the tantalising view of the irresistible women in their fetching little two pieces.

The interviewer moistened her lips. "So, Manik-"

"Would you like some breakfast? I interrupted.

Hesitant, she nodded yes and I shook my head at Abhimanyu. She was awfully nervous and trust me, I like that effect I had on women but not with the ones I am professionally involved with. I want them to be as natural to me as I am to my cameras. She scribbled something in her pad and crossing my legs, I rested my lips on my knuckles, reading her through my dense glasses.

"Is this your first time?" I asked not breaking my gaze which caused her to drop her pen.

"First-first time? What do you mean?" Something made her more awkward.

"Interviewing a celebrity?" I clarified with a devious smirk.

"Celebrity, no. Superstar, yes." She tucked a curl behind her ear and I liked how she did that.

"Am I making you nervous, Miss..." I raised an eyebrow.

"Shweta." She smiled.

"Am I making you nervous, Ms.Shweta? What can I do to make you feel comfortable?" There was sincerity in my question but slickness in my voice.

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