Chapter 40

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Even devil, ghosts, monsters and witches are less dangerous than the fake human beings.

Dark omnious clouds sprawled across the sky and the wind picked up, howling, crying, warning, baying like a wolf into the night. The air was thick and the world felt small. There was a mutter of thunder from the blackened sky as the wind tore leaves from the trees followed by rain that poured down over the city with a roar. The violent unforgiving wind raced through the streets and in the middle of this wrath of nature, I was sitting on the middle of the street having Manik's head on my lap.

No matter how loud I cried for help, all the fake humans cared about was getting a picture of their superstar lying in a puddle of blood. People could watch the drama, relish it but not step ahead for help.

The rainfall washed away the blood from his face every second before it started oozing out again and I felt like I was underwater with there being no way out. The people got alarmed by the siren of the emergency vehicle lighting approaching us and the moment I noticed the ambulance bus driving closer, I clenched the shirt on top of Manik's chest in apprehension.

A good number of ward boys placed his body on top of a stretcher whilst his hand was still tucked into mine and I refused to let go. His fingers were cold, pale and covered with blood yet they were a satisfaction to be held because it was him. They rushed the stretcher inside the bus and I wasted no time in overthinking the consequences. I just goddamn needed to be there by his side.

The vehicle was moving at the speed of a snail because of all the mobbing happening outside and every delayed second was putting a question into his survival. People in the tumult, slapped the window on my side sticking their noses to the windows and my heartbeat dropped at those rocketing inhumanity.

Steadily as the ambulance picked its speed, various ducts, tubes and syringes were pierced into his skin and I squeezed his fingers little harder seeing his heartbeat drop on the monitor even after they put the oxygen mask. No matter how hard I dug my nails into his pale skin, he still wasn't reacting coming out of his senselessness and that was unnerving me to great extent. I was in the habit of a loud Manik, sarcastic Manik, mean and cruel Manik, helpful Manik but not this silent human being that laid lifeless.

"Hey..." I whispered into his ear while my tears mixed with his cheek. "Stay with me, p-please? How hard is it to stay alive?" I kissed his bruised cheek and rested my forehead on his.

The ambulance halted with a jolt and soon as the door was opened, a big medical team awaited our arrival. They hurried in getting the stretcher out of the vehicle forcing his locked up hand to be parted from mine. I knew I had to let go but I wasn't prepared for such separation. Not today. Not ever.

I watched them take him away from me until the time he slowly ebbed away from my eyesight. Curling and uncurling my toes, I stood skeptic to drag myself out of the ambulance but I knew I had to and so I did which was a huge task in itself.

Pulling myself out of it got me only attacked by the camera flashlights and microphones pointed to me with voices behind them that threw roasting question after another but nobody really asked if he was going to make it out alive; the assurance I was in desperate need of.

They surrounded me from all the sides like there wasn't any escaping the truth that the light of my life was losing its shine. I gawked their blurry faces and the lights that burned my vision but their questions soon started fading into the air as all I saw before my open eyes was Manik lying on that road, shedding blood. I knew this sight was going to haunt me for a long long time now and this..being just the beginning.

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