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Daniel's POV
Daniel: Fine. Maybe a little. But she probably doesn't like me.
Jack: That's what I thought about Gabbie. And look how we turned out.
Zach: In a one sided relationship.
Jack: Not true! I love her.
Corbyn: Love?
Jack: I like her a lot.
Daniel: Can we change the topic please?
Corbyn: Do you think she likes you.
Daniel: I mean, I don't know.
Carter: Don't know what?
Jonah: Nothing.
Daniel: Not nothing. I don't know the answer to pi times 8.5.
Carter: Oh it's 26.703537.
Corbyn: Holy crap.
Zach: Can you do all of my math for the rest of my life?
Carter: Sorry Youngun. That ain't happening. Ok, quick question.
Zach: Yes...
Carter: Why am I here and not my house? Are you guys kidnapping me?!?!
Corbyn: You fell asleep in the car and we didn't want to wake you up so we brought you here.
Carter: Who carried me in?
Daniel: Corbyn. Why?
Carter: Just wondering.

Carter's POV
Corbyn Matthew Besson carried me when I was sleeping. I can't deal right now!!
Jack: Hey Carter, can you skate?
Carter: Yeah.
Daniel: You skate?
Carter: Finn gave me some pointers.
Corbyn: Finn, as in Finn Wolfhard?
Carter: Yup.
Jonah: I still can't believe you know 5e Stranger Things cast.
Carter: They know you guys.
They all started freaking out.
Carter: Yeah. I was listing to y'alls music and Millie joined me and then we got hooked and made everyone else listen to it.
Zach: Wait, wait ,wait. You played them our music!?!
Carter: Yeah.
Corbyn: You are the best!!
Carter: Okay. I'll take it.
Jack: Okay, now can you show me what ya got.
I took his skateboard and started showing off. I was doing pretty well until I was just normally skating and I rolled over a rock. I was flipped off the board and was sent flying into the pool. I was still wearing my dress from brunch, I didn't drink a change of clothes. I was panicking. I was scarred because one minute I was on a skateboard and the next I was in a pool. I heard a splash and felt arms wrap around my waist. I just went with it because I knew it was on of the boys and I was not opposed to the idea of one of them saving me from drowning. I felt the air hit my face and it was amazing. I opened my eyes to see who had risked wet skinny jeans for me. I was face to face with Daniel. He carried me out of the pool and sat me down in a chair. Corbyn ran out with a towel and threw it over me. Daniel put his arm around me to keep me warm. It was kinda windy so I was pretty cold. Jonah had gone inside about a minute before, Zach was sleeping, and Jack was trying to get the skateboard out of the pool.
Corbyn: Are you guys okay?
Daniel: Im fine, how are you Carter.
Carter: (Sarcastically) I'm just peachy!
Daniel: I'm gonna get in the shower.
Carter: I'm so sorry Jack.
Jack: It's fine. Really. I've tried skateboarding in the pool so this nothing.
Corbyn: Come with me. Let's get you out of your wet clothes.
I'm sorry, did Corbyn just tell me to come with him. My life is now over. He took me upstairs to his room. He stared digging through his dresser.
Corbyn: How are you liking LA?
Carter: It's great. How do you like being Millie Bobby Brown's favorite member of Why Don't We?
Corbyn: What?! I'm her favorite!
Carter: Keep it down. They other boys aren't supposed to know.
Corbyn: Got it. Here ya go.
He handed me a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie.
Corbyn: The bathroom is right there.
Carter: Thanks.
After I got changed I went downstairs and Eben and Ariel were sitting in the kitchen. They both got up and ran over to me and pulled me into a hug.
Ariel: Thank god you are okay.
Carter: Why would I not be.
Eben: Well I had to leave for my meeting and I forgot to tell you and I supposed that the boys would take you back to your apartment and I would come by after my meeting. Well, when I stopped by, you weren't there and then Ariel and I stared freaking out. We tired to text you but you never answered so we started looking all over the building, nothing. We went to Starbucks, the one a minute away from the building, nothing. I had the idea of coming here to see if you were here but when we got here, Daniel didn't know where you were.
Carter: First off, my phone is dead. Secondly, I was changing. We had a run in with a skateboard and a pool.
Ariel: Well now that you're alright let's go home.
I told Daniel bye and thanked him for getting me out of the pool. We rode home in silence. We go tot the apartment and Ariel looked at me and shook her head.
Ariel: Who's clothes are you wearing?
Carter: (mumbling) Corbyn.
Ariel: Who?
Carter: (Still mumbling) Corbyn.
Ariel: Carter. Stop the mumbling. You know how I feel about the mumbling. Who's clothes are you wearing?
Carter: Corbyn.
Ariel freaked out. No, that's an understatement. She exploded.
Ariel: He gave you his clothes! You guys are in love!!! Wait, did you change in front of him Nancy Wheeler style?!
Carter: No. also, we can't be in love he has a girlfriend.
Ariel: Excuse me?
Carter: He is dating Christina.
Ariel: Oh no! I'm sorry sweetie. At least you and Dani Boy can date.
Carter: What do you mean?
Ariel: Well you like him and he likes you-. Oh sh*t.

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