Woohoo! Sry for the wait n I think this is 7?

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Sorry for thenwait!!!! Itsbqorth it!!!


Last time i said when Jayce walled out to the balcony when he woke up with Lex and watched the sunset. I meant sunrise. What can i say i had a blonde moment? But my blonde locks now have a streak of blue with a purple tip on the blue!!!!!

Here's the story!

Dereks POV

She unwillingly relaxed into the passenger seat and drifted to sleep. As we passed gas stations, restaurans, and city signs she started shaking a little and murmuring and I could see the glisten of lone tears fall down her beautiful cheek.

Couldn't she just understand I didn't want to break up? That I needed to know if she talked to Tristan?

" KAS!"

She woke and sat bolt upright sweating, and crying, after screaming Kas. I pulled over to the side of the road and was glad her front seat was connected to the driver and passenger as a bench as I pulled her to me. She didn't want to be comforted, especially by me, And pushed me away from her. I gave up in defeat knowing she wouldn't get in my arms.

" Im fine just drive."

She stared straight forward and spoke to me.

" Lexi I'm not driving until ou say something. Why won't you talk to me? Because I broke up with you?"

She nodded her head no and opened her mouth, her kissable kissable mouth, to speak but seemed to think better of it.

" Look Derek I get it. You may think I don't but I do. You thought.......just drive Derek. Please?"

I looked at her making sureshe could see the pain I felt by all of this.

" What dis I think?"

She nodded her head no sayin to drive.

" What did you think I thought?"

When she didn't answer I couldn't help get mad at her.

" LEX!"

I yelled through gritted teeth, immediately regretting it. Her face showed shock but mainly hurt. I had hurt her enough times and knew it. I didn't want to add to that list.

" Im sorry I yelled at you. You don't have to talk to me if you don't want to in fact, it would probably be-"

" Dont say for the best derek. Because it's not...............I'm sorry I'm so....difficult and terrible. And I know I'm not easy to calm down and I'm sorry for that too. I'm sorry I snapped at you and everything at the cemetery."

I nodded and opened my arms allowing her to come to me if she wanted to. When she didn't come I wiggled my eyebrows suggestively.

" Okay fine no hug! Not trying to pull it out of you but,.... Do you want to talk about it?"

( HaHa no answer to what did Derek think!)

She sighed and nodded her head yes.

" I dreampt of the incident. Kas. Ild rather not be detailed, but I've dreampt of it too many times. They dreams happened every day and I haven't had one since I got here to MMAS. I geuss I forgot about Kas, clichè I know, but I was happier when I got here. My life before really wasn't too great to begin with so this school is like heaven."

I stopped her.

" Wait! School? Heaven? In the same sentence?"

She nodded and kept going.

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