007 | Who's My Mum?

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Noelle's Pov

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Noelle's Pov

The next morning I woke up with the worst hangover; Well the worst headache ever. I didn't feel sick just tired; but I couldn't get the thought of the birthday card from my mother out my head. Who was she and why did she only decide to give me a card, 18 Years after she gave me up. I had opened it last night since Cloe had met up with Casper and Annie after we were in town, they surprised me by coming down for my birthday.

"Who could you be" I grumbled to myself opening my eyes and downing my glass of water from beside my bed which refreshed me. Yesterday's events soon became clear once again as a smile formed on my face; Cloe had proposed to me and I had got my first ever birthday card from my mother but who she was i still didn't know.

"Knock knock knock" joes voice spoke quietly as he opened the door.

"Morning joe" I yawned with my eyes half closed, I was debating whether or not I should ask joe who my mum was, he surely would know.

"Morning baby, did you have a good night?" Joe asked me sitting on the edge of my bed, I simply nodded.

"Joe" I paused

"Do you know who my mum is? I've grown up 18 years without knowing who she is. The only mother figure I ever had was auntie Grace when I was two and she hasn't been back since. She's probably forgotten about us" I grumbled as I looked to the end off the bed hoping joe wouldn't get angry with me just for asking about my Mum.

"I don't know sweetheart. All I do know is she left you with dad when you were born and said she didn't want you. She didn't leave any explanation. What's brought this on?" Joe ask, it was obvious he was annoyed with me asking this but he was trying his best to hide his annoyance.

"I hate her for leaving me but part of me really wants to meet her for the first time, see if I look anything like her cause it's clear I don't look like dad maybe his nose bit it's always been a question of mine, who I came from. Family trees in sociology I could never complete because I don't know my mum or her side of the famiy and it's not fair." I explained myself to my older brother who looked annoyed.

"After all I've done for you. You say that. Noelle I've only ever wanted what's best for you" Joe slightly raised his voice making me flinch and squeeze my eyes shut.

"Oh right just by sending my to boarding school, I hardly ever got to see you and Erin. As much as I loved boarding school I missed home so much" I ranted before I felt a hand come into contact with my face, joe has slapped me.

"Get out" I said calmly once with tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Elle, I'm so sorry" joe try's to apologise

"Get out" I screamed even though it hurt my head. I watched as joe stood up and left before I buried my head amongst all my pillows and cried. Graham knocked on my door to check on me i assume.

"Joe didn't mean to hit you. He was just frustrated" Graham said as I still had my head buryed amongst pillows

"Whatever" I sniffed

"Are you okay?" Graham's voice spoke sounding genuinely worried

"Do you know my mum" I asked as I looked up

"No sorry Noelle. What's brought this on? I thought you were happy" He asked me and I nodded.

"I am happy, I really am but i want to know who my mum is that way I know who I'm hating instead of just hating random stranger for abandoning me when I was a baby" I explained my reason. Graham nodded not looking fully convinced as he left my room. I didn't want to stay here longer than needed so I was going to suggest going to Cloe's for the second week of Easter

To My Baby 😍😘

End of the week we're going to yours for the rest of the Easter ❤️xxxxxx

From My Baby 😍😘

What's happened babe, are you okay xxxxxxx

To My Baby 😍😘

Joe hit me just because I asked if he knew my mother, I got a card from her but it told me nothing xxxxxx

From My Baby 😍😘

He what! You don't have to justify yourself to me. I'll see you later on. I love you Noelle Tate xxxxxxx

To My Baby 😍😘

I love you too Cloe Carter xxxxxxx

I let out a long sigh as I put my phone down. I knew I had to tell Erin that Cloe and I weren't staying for another week but I couldn't. Not after joe hit me once's he could do it again he was angry with me and that scared me, it always has.

To RinRin💕😘🤗

Hey Rin, Me and Cloe are going to hers on Friday or Saturday. I'm sorry i can't stay any longer xxx

From RinRin💕😘🤗

Why what's happened Noelle. Whatever it is I understand xxx

To RinRin💕😘🤗

I was asking Joe about my Mum and he hit me. I just wanted to known more about her or even know why she left me. So I could actually meet her instead of hating a Mum I've never met I could hate her by knowing her. Xxx

From RinRin💕😘🤗

That's way out of order. I don't blame you for wanting to leave. You'll find your mum  one day. Like I found mine. Just stay strong xxxx

To RinRin💕😘🤗

Thanks Rin. I will try to. Love you lil-sis xxx

From RinRin💕😘🤗

Love you to big-sis xxx

After texting Erin to tell her I was leaving Friday I decided to get dressed. I was determined to find out who my mum was and I knew what I had to do to do so. I had to ask around and I had to do that before Cloe and I leave for hers. I knew that today was the day I Ask around But was I able you find my Mum today so probably not but it's worth a shot.

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