013 | Hospital

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Third Person

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Third Person

Noelle was rushed to hospital in intense pain, she had tried to move her shoulders and her head but every time she did it hurt her, she was scared she had broken her back and scared she would never be able to walk again. Cloe was called and immediately ran to Noelle's side holding her hand through the pain.

"It hurts" Noelle cried the paid was getting too much for her and she knew she'd need some pain killers soon..

"IV line 2mg morphien stat!" The doctors by Noelle's side demanded. The doctor asked Cloe to leave the room bit she didn't want to.

"Go, I'll be fine" Noelle mumbled through the pain trying to reassure her partner that she'd bed fine.

"I'll just be outside baby" Cloe whispered gently kissing Noelle's forehead before leaving the room and sitting in the waiting room with Mrs Luisa and Molly who were both staying until they knew what was happening to Noelle.

"They are starting her on morphien. She's in so much pain. What happened" Cloe asked the teacher and her friend who looked at eachother.

"We think the horse Bino got spooked, we were trotting around the field practicing the next Minute Bino stopped and three Elle off the back" Molly told Cloe with the look of worry in her eyes, of course she'd be worried Molly and Noelle have been friends a little longer than everyone else. Meanwhile the doctor was still assessing Noelle, she was drowsy but still awake.

"Doc her stats are dropping. I think we need to incubate" the nurse stood along side the doctor pointed out the doctor incubated and put Noelle to sleep filling the pain she felt. Cloe had called Joe who was immediately driving down to the hospital, it was a three hour drive but he had to be their for his little sister.

Cloe's pov

I sat in the waiting room along side Mrs Luisa and Molly we hadn't heard anything from the doctor working on Noelle and it was starting to worry me. Joe was on his way down too and should be here in a hour.

"Why haven't we heard anything!" I asked as I got up and started pacing the corridor.

"Cloe sit down, you'll wear a hole in the your shoes or even the floor" Mrs Luisa warned me even though she could see I was as worried about my fiancé.

"She could be paralysed and your telling me to sit down! We are engaged and i love her so much. I swear to god if she's paralysed then that horse of yours won't stand a chance, it'll be put down just like that" I clicked my fingers not even realising I had threatened a teacher until I actually said it.

"You didn't mean that Cloe, your just angry that Noelle has got hurt. You'd do anything to protect Elle just like she would do anything to protect you. We are all here for the same thing and that's to wait for news on Elle. When we find out something about Noelle and her condition you'll relax a little, I can assure you that" Molly reassured me as she took my hand in hers.

"I should have stopped her from choosing horse riding as a Hobby! Then This wouldn't have happened" I grumbled sitting down on the hard plastic chairs in the waiting room.

"Noelle has always been strong. Even back in year 5 when we the pair of us started the school. We would get in trouble for pulling each other through the halls of the school, almost making each other to run into walls. She would argue with the teachers and she would beat up anyone who would pick on me. She's knows how to handle herself and she will pull through this. She has you to pull through for, your going to make your own family as you grow up and you're both going to be happy, you've just got to remember to stick by each other now and forever" Molly rubbed my arm gently before she out her arm around mine.

"What if she doesn't get better, if she never walks again?" I asked with a frown, I wouldn't leave her never in a million of years I was just worried how she would cope with it.

"You've just got to support her if she's not coping with it then you've got to reassure her that she will be fine, that over the time she will be able to get back to her normal self's the one who we all know and love" Molly smiled as we both saw joe walk in.

"Where is she, how is she?" Joe asked showing his sensitive side which apparently none ever sees.

"She's in a lot of pain joe. Last thing we heard they were incubating her to lower her pain" I explained with a sigh. Joe pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back.

"Why aren't they telling you anything?" Joe asked and we shrugged.

"Probably because we're not family." Mrs Luisa explained to joe who sighed heavily.

"Well I'm here now they can tell us something. They can give us news" joe demanded as he walked over to the doctor and nurses station to get us some answers.

Joe's pov

I stood at the nurses station impatiently waiting for some answers about my little sister. I saw the hurt in Cloe's eyes and the fear too.

"Finally can you tell me what's going on with my sister Noelle Tate! None is telling us anything and we've not been allowed to go in to see her" I demanded answers with my arms folded

"Noelle has suffered a back injury which could stop her from walking for awhile. She will require physiotherapy twice a week for as long as it takes for her to walk again. She is on strong painkillers for the pain and she is sleeping at the moment. You can go in but one at a time" the nurse quickly realed off what was on her board before she dashed off.

"Noelle has suffered a back injury and will need physio to walk again. She's on strong painkillers but we can go in one at a time to see her." I told the three people who were desperate for news on Noelle.

"Thank you Joe, could I possibly go in first, just so I could tell her that I'm here and I will be here whenever I don't have lesson" Cloe asked me curiously sounding hopeful.

"Yeah, I'll wait outside and if you need anything I'll be Their" I smiled to the younger girl who thanked me and walked onto Noelle's room. I may not show this side often but Noelle means the world to me and I was happy she was going to be fine.

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