036 | I'm Your Mum

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Scarlett's pov

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Scarlett's pov

Debbie told me all about Noelle and her girlfriend Cloe, I was furious when I heard what Joe did and I knew I had to tell her I was her Mum. Erin found out a few days but I made sure she wouldn't tell anyone, Noelle has to hear it from me not her younger sister.

"Today's the Day" I said to Charity as I was helping set up for opening. It was Sunday so I didn't have to go into work until tomorrow and then it's the last week until the summer holidays.

"It will be alright you know" Charity told me as leant against the bar. I was nervous about telling her incase she hates me.

"What if she hates me Charity, I don't want her to hate me" I grumbled with a sigh. I didn't want to loose my daughter before I've even got her in my life. I watched Noelle walk into the pub and over to me.

"You wanted to see me?" She asked confusion in her voice, anyone would be confused if a random person wanted to see them.

"Yes, I've got some important news for you" I said as I sat down on a bar stool pointing to the one next to me. I watched Noelle sit on the stool as Charity placed her arm on mine.

"I'll leave you two too it" Charity smiled to me and I nodded as she went out back. Their was no turning back now.

"So? What is it you wanted to tell me?" Noelle asked defensively folding her arms

"I'm your Mum" I announced, Noelle's face dropped, she looked speechless.

"Is this some kind of sick joke?" Noelle asked in barely a whisper, she looked angry and confused while I was nothing but serious.

"I'm your mum" I repeated. Noelle frowned as she shook her head.

"No. You can't be. If you were you would have told me when I first arrived in the village. You wouldn't have waited until now, after my girlfriend was hit by Joe's car" Noelle growled frustration in her voice. She didn't want me and that broke my heart. She's my daughter and I gave her up in the first place.

Noelle's pov

I ran out of the pub and into Erin, she looked at me Confused.

"Elle what's up?" Erin asked and I shook my head, I was angry and frustrated.

"Scarlett is my Mum, she waited until now to tell me. When I've lost my girlfriend" I cried and looked at Erin, she looked as if she already knew.

"You knew!" I asked raising my voice tears now streaming down my cheeks.

"How long" I asked Now in a whisper trying to understand why my own sister kept this from me.

"I only found out yesterday. I wanted to tell you I really did" Erin tried to hug me but I ran off. I couldn't think straight.

"Noelle! Noelle!" I heard belle shout as I was running. I stopped and leant ok a wall tears streaming down my face.

"Noelle what's happened. Why did you shout at Erin?" Belle asked as she held my hands and looked into my eyes. She truly cared, like Cloe did.

"They lied to me Belle. Erin knew who my mum was and didn't tell me. She had been in the village all this time. It's Scarlett but I don't know if I can trust her. Why didn't she tell me before now. Before Cloe died. I don't understand" I cried. Belle wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into a hug, she rubbed my back as I cried into her shouder; I felt like I couldn't trust anyone apart from Belle and that broke my heart.

"Maybe she didn't want to tell you Because she wasn't sure if it was true or not?" Belle asked as she continued to hug me, Erin probably don't know if it's true which I guess was right.

"Why don't you talk to her tomorrow or even later, cool off from your feelings. She'll understand that you didn't mean anything to her, that you love her and you were just upset that your mum has been in the village the whole time and you never knew it" Belle smiled happily as she comforted me; I knew she was right. I'm just angry.

"I really do want to know my mum; I just don't know if I can trust her. Ever since I was little I loved to dream of what my mum was like I never thought she would live in the village" I exclaimed. Belle nodded before she finally pulled away from the embrace.

"Go and talk to her, if you want me to then I'll come with you, I'm not letting you so this alone Elle' I promice" belle smiled. I felt my heart fix ever so slightly; although I loved Cloe and I missed her more than anything Being around Belle made things better.

"You'll really come with me?" I asked in a hopefull tone. Belle nodded and then took me back to the pub.

"I don't want her to hate me" I mumbled. Belle turned me to look at her and took my hand.

"She won't; how could she? Just think of Cloe, she'll be with you too. Cloe loved you. You two will always have that special connection and she will help you through this and make sure Scarlet and you get along" belle reassures me. Belle walked in with me holding her hand, it was more like squeezing her hand and probably almost breaking her hand as well.

"Scarlet; I'm sorry for running out" I bit my lip anxiously.

"I do want to know you; it was just shocked that I've met you. I was also angry that it's now you tell me, it's just the fact that now my girlfriend is dead because of my brother you tell me; it was a lot to take in. Im sorry for the way I acted" I spoke softly; I looked to Belle who nodded towards me.

"You don't understand how much that means to me Noelle, I've never stopped thinking of you, I gave you up becuase Chris convinced me it was the right thing to do; I was only a child myself and thought he was right, when I first saw you in the village I wanted to tell you; I couldn't tell you though; not with how joe was; i didn't know what you knew about me so I didn't know if I could tell you" Scarlet or should I say my mum explained to me, I was shocked but this was the first day of the next chapter of my new life, I had my mum in my life now and things were starting to look up, next was time for Cloe's Funural and then I have to move on and eventually be able to tell Belle how I feel about her which is crazy because I will always love Cloe, I can never stop loving her.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2019 ⏰

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