031 | Cloe's Here/Filler

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Noelle's pov

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Noelle's pov

The day of Cloe coming back finally came and I was beyond excited. I had missed her more than anything. How has still been complaining about me wanting to hang around with Belle And Phoebe, I've set him straight a few times I have to admit that. Yesterday I took Erin out for a meal because I've not spent much time with her since I've been back and I wanted to make it up to her, I loved spending the day with her. After the day with Erin I decided to have a Lazy morning before Cloe shows up, I knew she would be getting the train now and I was right as my phone rang.

"Good Morning my love" Cloe laughed as she answered the phone

"Good Morning my idiot" I laughed in return as I rested my head against my headboard.

"I can't wait for you to get here, I've missed you so much" I told my girlfriend with a smile on my face. I couldn't stop thinking about the party in a few days and how much fun we are going to have.

"I'll be Their in a few hours baby don't get into too much trouble while you wait for me" Cloe laughed and I scoffed

"You don't get into too much trouble while your traveling. I'll have to poke you if you do get into trouble" I giggled as I pictured my girlfriend getting into trouble, it could be for anything and I could just see it happening.


Cloe and I were on the train back to school after spending a week with her parents. The train was empty and we were able to choose where we could seat, as we walked to a table seat with our suitcases and our rucksacks we were pushed out the way by this man in his late 30's

"Excuse me we were going to sit their" Cloe said bravely as the man turned and glaring at us. I remember Cloe stood up straight staring the man right in the eyes.

"What are you going to do about it Your just two stupid little girls" the man smirked clearly underestimating Cloe and I.

"You don't want to know what we will do or what we are capable of" Cloe grinned. Making me laugh.

End of flashback

I smiled at the thought of the first time we got into a argument on the train. It was the second time we were heading back to school after spending a week with her parents. The memories never fail to make me smile, I loved how she could always make me smile and laugh even if I didn't want to.

"Noelle! Cloe is here" Joe shouted from downstairs,no didn't even realise I had been thinking and watching TV for ages. I shot up from my bed and ran down the stairs immediately jumping into Cloe's arm as she spun me around.

"I missed you so much" I mumbled as I hugged my girlfriend who kissed me.

"I missed you to baby" Cloe smiled after pulling away. I was beyond happy that Cloe was finally here and she was staying for the next few weeks. Cloe and I went into the village for a few drinks before heading home and spending the rest of the day relaxing, after all we had a big party coming up and it was definitely going to be a party to remember.

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