fresh start

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my name is jada. I've lived in Chicago every since I was 7 and I absolutely hated it. I got tired of being scared to walk down the street thinking a bullet would be fired and hit me. I got tired of constantly being hated and jumped at schools because of the fact that I was pretty. I'm light skin, 5'9,with long jet black hair and dark brown eyes. Anyways I've always dreamed of moving to California at the age of 17. Me and my mom never got along because our attitudes just doesn't match so I was planning on getting emanicipated if she didn't let me go which I knew she wouldn't. she was one of those type of over-protected parents that really didn't give a fuck about you they just wanted you to stay in and be miserable everyday. but that all was going to change because my 17th birthday was in one more month.

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