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Leah let out a yelp as Newt shoved her to the side and she tripped over her own feet. Her head collided with the ground and she was knocked out. Thomas had to watch in utter fear as the Wicked guards approached them.

The men in armour hooked their arms under the armpits of his friends and dragged them to the others they had already collected. Leah's body hung loosely in the arms of a man and Thomas had to turn away.

He balled his hair in his hands and tried to control his rapid breathing. 

"I'm sorry, hermano, there's nothing you can do for them." Jorge patted his shoulder sympathetically. "But if we don't start moving, we won't be better off." 

"You guys have to go right now," Thomas stated. 

"What?" Brenda instantly asked. 

"They're not looking for you, if you go now, you're safe." 

"Thomas..." Brenda breathed, looking at him with sad eyes. 

"I can't leave without them," he said with an equally sad expression. 

"Good luck, kid," Jorge stated softly before he took Brenda by her arm and took her away from the horror. 

Thomas was shaking from head to toe as he thought of something to do. He couldn't let Wicked take them. Leah's biggest fear was ending up in a Wicked facility to be one of their lab rats, he couldn't let that happen to her. 

Goddammit, if he hadn't told her about him and Brenda, this wouldn't have happened. They could've fled as soon as the helicopters arrived and she would've been safe. 

His eye fell on the army green bag lying on the floor next to him. 

In the meantime, Leah started to get her consciousness back and she couldn't help but groan at the pounding inside her skull. She was sure she felt blood on her scalp, but she couldn't do anything about it as the Wicked guard dragged her limp body away, just like she couldn't do anything about the other guards dragging their friends with them. 

As she fully woke up, the guard harshly pushed her onto her knees, next to Newt and the others. She fought to stay awake.

"It'll be okay, I'm not leaving you," Newt assuringly said. A guard started walking behind the group and scanned the back of their necks, just like Brenda had done and called out different letter and number combinations. 

Janson walked out and grinned at Leah wickedly. "Just the one we wanted, but where is your lovely boyfriend?" His grin fell as he noticed the empty spot beside her. "Where's Thomas?" he called. 

"Right here," the voice that had broken Leah's heart spoke up. Her head shot up and found Thomas standing behind everyone, a flashlight shining down at him. Leah's eyes widened and a guard pushed him toward Janson, who had another grin on his face. 

"Thomas!" he fondly said and greeted him with open arms. The next moment, he punched him in the stomach and Thomas doubled over as he let out a groan. Leah's breath hitched in her throat as he was harshly placed next to her. 

"Are you okay?" he immediately asked her.

"Yeah, fine," she shortly said, not looking at him. 

Janson discussed with his soldiers and that's when Minho spoke up. 

"Why didn't you run?" 

Thomas slowly shook his head. "I'm tired of running."

A loud noise caught everyone's attention and the next moment, a massive aircraft flew over. As it lowered to the floor, the Gladers had to shield their eyes from the sand that flew through the air. 

Leah felt a shiver running down her spine as she realized she was about to be taken back to Wicked. Her worst fear was going to come true. She was going to be taken back to Wicked to be experimented on. Her child was going to be born in one of those facilities. 

Who knew what would happen to the others. She could be separated from everyone and she could never see them again. 

The plane landed on the ground and the back fell down, revealing four more Wicked soldiers and eventually, Ava Paige stepped into the light. She walked with long strides and her white coat was waving in the wind. She reached Janson's side and talked to him in a hushed voice. The next moment, Janson called out, "Load 'em up!" 

A set of hands harshly grabbed Leah's arm, ripping her from the ground. Thomas was pushed to his feet as well and pushed him to the woman dressed in white. Leah stood beside Thomas, making sure to keep her distance from him. 

"Hello, Thomas. Leah," Paige spoke. Leah glared daggers at the woman who only looked back with a triumphant look in her eyes. 

Seconds later, Teresa stepped up to them and Leah's eyes grew as she calmly stood beside Paige. "Wha-Teresa?" Frypan spoke up behind her. 

"What's going on?" Newt asked, joining his friends. 

"She's with them," Thomas said. 

Leah took a step back. "She's what?" she shakingly asked, getting a sick feeling in her stomach. 

"I'm glad you're safe." Ava Paige placed a gentle hand on Teresa's shoulder. 

"Since when?" Minho asked through gritted teeth. 

"Teresa has always done everything for the greater good. After we restored her memories it was only a matter of time," Janson butted in. 

Leah was shaking from head to toe. Teresa was responsible for all of this. She knew her suspicion hadn't been wrong. That's why Teresa had been so hellbent on getting close to Thomas. She wanted to get him to join her and Wicked, maybe even try and win Leah over as well. 

Leah wanted to scream at her, but all she could do was lower her eyes as a single tear trickled down her cheek.

"I'm sorry, guys. I had no choice, this was the only way," Teresa spoke."We have to find a cure." 

Thomas shook his head, refusing to believe what she said. 

"She's right," Ava Paige spoke up. "This is all the means to an end, you used to understand that, Thomas. Whatever you believe, I am not a monster. I'm a doctor and I swore an oath to find a cure. No matter the cost." 

Leah looked around and saw the fear and disbelief in everyone's eyes. When her eyes met Newt's, he smiled sadly, knowing they had been beaten and that there was no way out. 

Dynasty // The Scorch Trials [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now