Chapter 14 part 2

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Nicks POV

Lia mumbles something against my lips after she kisses me. I take no note of it, maybe i was just imagining that she said something. 

As i pull out my laptop to check the planning on a surprise i have for lia, i feel her snuggle up to me and i cant help but smile. 

I pull out her phone and earbuds and hand them to her before she falls asleep. I know she hates flying so i hope the music can distract her. 

I unlock her phone ( she gave me the passcode 2 weeks ago) and immediately go to her Ed Sheeran playlist which makes me think of when i drove her home that one night. 


We head down to the parking garage and head to my car. As i pull out i turn on some music which happens to be one of my favorite drake songs. 

All of a sudden she reaches over and changes it. Okkkk then 

"whats wrong with my music?" i ask while trying to keep my eyes on the road

"well its terrible, thats whats wrong. Im not going to subject my ears to the crudeness of that trash" she replies as she crosses her arms and half turns to me

"Well then what is better than drake?" i ask with a small laugh. I hope she doesnt bring up Taylor Swift or something, i dont think i could deal with that

"This" She picks up my aux cord and plugs it into her phone, then into the stereo"is way better than that trash"

She scrolls for a little, looking for a song until she finally finds it. 

White lips pale face

Breathing in the snowflakes

Burnt lungs, sour taste

Lights gone, days end

Struggling to pay rent

Long nights strange men

She sings along with the song causing me to smile. Something i havent truly done in a while.

End of flashback

I pick a song called happier by the artist she so dearly loves. Like seriously, she wont stop playing his songs. Not that i mind, its just something i noticed. 

I glance over at her to see if she has the earbuds in. She does. Her eyes are closed as she waits for me to start the song. 

OOf play the song as you read the rest of the story, softly if you prefer

I watch her a bit as the song plays and she slowly falls asleep. By now we have been in the air for about 30 minutes and havent had turbulence yet. Good thing she fell asleep before turbulence came, if any would, bc she would get scared and it hurts me when she is anything but happy. 

I focus my attention, now, on my computer and pull up the itinerary for our arrival day. Ive decided to surprise her with a trip to a place she's never been and where she really wants to go. 

I check to see when we'd land and smile that we're right on schedule. 

I save all my notes that ive made and all the changes to the itinerary ive made as well. 

I put lia's playlist on loop so she doesnt wake up to no music. I kiss her forehead and whisper " you may actually be the love of my life Liana Berry" i dont know what compelled me to say it but i did and i dont regret it. I give her one last glance and smile. Man am i lucky to be with her. 

I lean my head back and close my eyes in an attempt to rest before we get to Orlando Florida. I hope she'll like my surprise. My surprise trip for her to Disney World.

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