Chapter 6

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Liana's POV

I wake up to a massive headache. My phone buzzes and i reach forward and grab it off the nightstand.

I check the time to see that it is only 6:32 am.... dang i woke up early. 

My phone buzzes again. Its nick, calling me. I start to tear up.

Just the memory of him right now is enough to set me on edge. 

Im weak. Mentally, that is. I see he has left over 150 voice mails and even more texts. I start to listen to the messages he left. 

At about his 20th one is when i really break. I cant do this. I shouldnt. I delete all existing messages except the last one. I want to know what he said last. 

I press play

" hey liana um i know you wont answer but this is worth a try, huh?" he chuckles, sounding weary " um please talk to me. I know i messed up. Its killing me. I should have told you about Brittany . Please forgive me" The message ends

I cant let myself be led on like this. I need to get away. But where? 

All of a sudden my phone buzzes. Its nick again. I answer but i dont say anything.

"Liana?!" he says clearly surprised that i even answered before i make the mistake of talking to him i quickly hang up. 

Why am i so weak?? why for him?? ugh im so done with everything. 

I am going to go on a little.... a little holiday. And i know just the right place to go.

This time its me that calls him. 

It doesnt take long to ring. He answers right away.

"lia-" he trys to get out but i interupt him. What i have to say is better

"ni- Mr.blackwell i am going on vacation. I dont know how long yet.Goodbye Mr.Blackwell."

"Liana wa-" i end the call before he can finish his sentance. 

I start to pack my bags and i order a first class plane ticket. I need to be left alone. 

*the next morning at the airport*

'calling all first class passengers to London England! you may now start to board the plane, thank you' 

i head to the gate and hand the lady my ticket. On my walk to the front of the plane (i know so fancy smancy ehh.. the fronntt!) and find my seat. I then precede to get comfortable and disconnected with everyone on the plane. 

Right as the pane takes off i come to a realization. I hadnt called to let her know i was coming. 


I hope she doesnt mind. After all she is my best friend. Ill just call her when i land for the address and we'll just go from there. 

I finally have a good sleep, thinking about seeing my best friend after 2 years apart. 

Ah, im so excited to see her... and to get away finally. 

*narrator----> little did she know the outcome was going to be something more than exciting. It was going to be shocking!*

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