Chapter 2:Concert

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Too Young For Chris Brown


My 16th party was amazing like my parents got me a new car but I can't drive it until I get my license.

"Mom that's not fair you guys got her a new car but for my 16th birthday I got dads old car". Liz said as we walked in the house.

"Elizabeth you love that car so why are you complaining"? My mom said putting the keys on the hook beside the door.

"I'm just saying". She shrugged and walked in the kitchen.

"Candace your father and I have one more present for you".

"Another present"? I said surprised.

"Yes go sit on the couch okay".

I smiled and nodded and walked into the living room and sat on the couch.

Liz walked in the kitchen eating the cookie dough ice cream but not in a bowl but the carton.

"Liz that's my ice cream". I shouted at her.

She shrugged and sat beside me. "So mines is gone".

"And you decided to eat my ice cream". I said looking at her like she was crazy.

"I wanted ice cream".

"But you eat out of the carton that's nasty".

Once again she shrugged and continued on eating.

My parents walked in and my dad sat on the table in front of the couch Liz and I were sitting on. And my mom stood beside him holding a box.

"Your mom and I got these for you because we know how much you wanted them".

My mom handed me the box and I opened it. It was tickets. I picked the tickets up and i screamed.

"CHRIS BROWN TICKETS"!!! I screamed with excitement.

"What"?!?!? Liz spit out some of her ice cream as she said that.

I jumped up and hugged my parents. "Thank you thank you thank you thank you". I said

"Your welcome Candace". They said

"And Liz pick that up that's real nasty". My mom said looking at her with a displeased look.

"Yes ma'am". Liz got up and went to the kitchen.

"I have to call Kennedy tell her we have a concert next week".

"What your taking her with you". Liz walked in with a rag.

"Yes I'm taking her". I said looking at her with a duh face.

"Fine I didn't want to go anyway". She said but we all know that was a lie.

I laughed.

"Before we forget I think you would want these too". My dad said reaching out of his pocket.

He pulled out too backstage passes.

I screamed again jumping up and down and went over to him and hugged him.

"Oh my God I can't believe you spoiled her". Liz said sounding jealous.

"Are you kidding me. You went to the August Alsina concert remember". I said starting to get mad.

"Oh yeah". She said looking stupid.

"I have to tell Kennedy about this". I said

I ran upstairs to my room and screamed again. I'm so excited.

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