Chapter 4:So We Meet Again

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Too Young For Chris Brown


I am so amazed right now. I was on the couch with Kennedy.

"So what are our plans for today"? Kennedy asked

"It's Sunday nothing".

"Your parents still at church".

I looked at my phone. "Umm church should be out in like ten minutes".

"What y'all doing". Liz said walking in the living room.

"Watching TV and talking".

"Mmm so where y'all go this morning".

"Why you so worried about where I was".

"Cause I can tell mom and dad you left without asking".

"And we went to the park". I said rolling my eyes.

"You too went to the park and it's below 10 degrees outside". She crossed her arms.

"Where did y'all really go".

I looked at Kennedy who had an annoyed face.

"You ain't mama so calm your fucking tits like it's not that serious I'm back".

"Uh huh sure".

She walked out and I rolled my eyes again.

"Your sister is such a perra".

I looked at her and laughed. "I actually knows what that means in Spanish".

"So are you ever gonna talk to Chris again".

I laughed nervously. "I'm not going to do that".

"What why not chica".

"Cause it's the Chris Brown the famous super star he wouldn't want to talk to a 16 year old he's like what six or seven years older than me".

"He kissed your cheek twice that's fate".

I rolled my eyes and laughed. "No your just crazy".

"Ooh tu chica tan loca. él es un hombre atractiva fina".

"I have no idea what you said please English Kennedy English".

"I said your crazy he's a fine man".

"I'm not crazy I'm thinking it won't happen plus I don't even have his number".

"Give me your phone".

I handed her my phone and she did something.

"Look last call was from his phone remember you called your phone".

"Oh well I'm not going to talk to him".

She groaned and laid back on the couch.

My parents walked in the house.

"Don't say nothing to them". I mumbled and she nodded.

"Hello girls". My dad said walking in the living room.

"Hey pops". I smiled

"What are you two up to".

We looked at each other then back at my dad. "Nothing". We both said.

"Kennedy are you staying for dinner"? My mom said coming in the living room taking her earring off.

"Yes ma'am that would be great". She was smiling hard.

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