Chapter 5:Meeting Friends

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Too Young For Chris Brown


I sat beside Chris but not close like at the end of the bench.

He shook his head and laughed. "Why are you so far away".

"Um I uhh well". I stopped talking cause nothing was coming out.

"Well I'll talk then". He smiled at me and scooted closer to me but not too close.

"So the reason I wanted to talk was because I don't want you to feel nervous around me. Like I want us to be friends just cause I'm famous doesn't mean I don't have real friends".

"Sorry I didn't mean it. I just never thought you would want to be my friend cause I'm really young and your famous and I'm not".

He chuckled. "Candace you don't have to be famous to be my friend".

"Okay". I smiled

"How about you come over after school"?

"I can't I don't drive".

"I'll have my driver pick you up".

"Can my friend come"?

"The Spanish girl"?

I nodded. "Yeah".

"Yeah sure".

"I should go before my parents find out".

"Ill text you tomorrow".

I blushed and nodded.

I stood up and ran out the park back home.

Next Day

I can't believe I didn't get caught last night which was good to me.

After I got out of the shower I did my hair then got dressed.

As soon as I opened my door Liz was standing there smirking.

"What"? I groaned.

"Where did you go last night"?

"What are you talking about"?

"I got pictures Candy now tell me or I'm telling mom and dad".

I groaned louder. "Fine okay after school you will find out cause if I told you you would believe me".

"You better tell me or I'm telling".

I pushed her out the way. "Your the worst sister ever".

I heard her laughing as I went down the stairs. Sometimes she acts like a baby. Like I'm the youngest not her I should be telling on her while she has my back but she's a brat.

"Hey sweetie". My mom said drinking her coffee like always.

"Hey mom".

"So me and your father are having date night tonight and we won't be home until late".

"Well what are we having for dinner".

"Order pizza or there will is left overs in the fridge but can you ride with your sister or catch the bus".

"Yeah I guess".

"Okay good cause I have to go". She kisses my forehead and walks out the door.

I grabbed a pop tart and walked out the house and went to Kennedy's house.

"Oh my goodness I can't believe we are going to Chris's house today". Kennedy squealed.

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