Episode 5: Reunion

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"Are you looking for something or someone?" Duncan asks Ashlyn in French.

"No, I haven't seen you in centuries!" a shocked Ashlyn replies in the same language.

"It's been a long time Ash, you've grown on me,' Duncan says to Ashlyn, switching back to English.

"It's good to see you, Duncan, I heard about what happened to Kate. Duncan, I am so sorry, if you need a friend, I'm here. But, if you want to be alone, that's fine too," Duncan walks up to Ashlyn and he places his hand on her shoulder.

"I've missed you, Kate's death made you one of the very last few people, on this planet, that means a damn to me," Duncan says.

"Care to tell me what happened?" Ashlyn asks him softly.

"Not right now, what matters now is that you're here, that you're alive." Duncan embraces her with a hug, while Ashlyn embraces him back.

Ashlyn suddenly gets a text message from Sonya on her phone. Opening the message, it reads; "Ash, I found some information on this immortal you ran into. I'm with Joe and Methos right now, get here as soon as you can."

"Duncan, care to take a trip with me?" Ashlyn asks.

"With you? Anywhere, where to?" Duncan wonders.

"We're headed to Joe's bar. A friend of mine has some information that I need," Ashlyn informs him while putting away her phone. Ashlyn takes Duncan to her Harley Motorcycle and he looks rather confused.

"I never imagined you as a biker chick," Duncan says.

"I can love bikes, I got this as a birthday gift from Joe. This is my second pride and joy, next to my sword that is." Ashlyn and Duncan hop on the motorcycle and they ride out to Joe's bar.

Arriving at the outside of the bar, they see Sonya standing next to Joe and Methos near a truck. Ashlyn embraces Joe with a hug, Duncan smiles upon seeing his two old friends.

"Hello Dawson," Duncan says as he embraces him.

"Mac, it's been a minute. How are you holding up?" Joe asks him. Duncan sighs, then smiles, knowing that he still feels the pain of loss after witnessing the love of his life die.

"Just trying to live day by day Joe, day by day," Duncan says with a sigh of dread in his voice.

"Oh Sonya, this is Duncan Macleod, Duncan, this is my watcher, Sonya Richards," as Ashlyn introduces them both to each other, Sonya shakes Duncan's hand, out of respect.

"The famous Duncan Macleod, Ashlyn never shuts up about you," Sonya smiles, getting a smile back from Duncan.

"Well, she's a woman full of life, full of hope, she really has grown on me," Duncan says, proud of how much Ashlyn has evolved from a little girl to a strong woman of the clan Macleod.

"Ashlyn, I need to ask you something... how many heads have you taken?" Sonya asks her.

"I don't really keep a list, I always lose count," Ashlyn replies.

"Well, we do that for you..." Sonya takes out her laptop and she starts typing in Duncan's name into a strange database.

"Macleod, Duncan: 176 confirmed immortal kills, 176 confirmed immortal kills." The database voiceover says.

"What is this?" Ashlyn asks.

"A watcher's version of a resume', so to speak. The records of all the heads that immortals have taken are kept inside data files, watcher's use it to get a background check on the immortal that they are assigned to." Methos explains to Ashlyn, who looks impressed.

"Macleod, Ashlyn: 317 confirmed immortal kills, 317 confirmed immortal kills." Upon hearing Ashlyn's kill count, Duncan looks at her with exasperation.

"What? They were after me!" Ashlyn says.

"You could have at least told me!" Duncan sarcastically adds.

"I had to take care of myself, you really don't know what it's like being a hot chick with immortals after your head, most of them were men and creepy lesbians," Ashlyn says to Duncan.

"What can I say, you're a very attractive lady with great knockers, a fiery attitude, nice ass and exotic accent. It's a no-brainer why immortals think you are an easy mark," Ashlyn looks at Sonya, with slight displeasure.

"Sonya, has anybody told you on occasion that you are a prick?" Ashlyn asks her out of curiosity.

"Every goddamn day Ash, every goddamn day," Sonya replies nonchalantly.

"So, why are you showing me this?" Ashlyn asks.

"This is the woman who came to your loft to pay a visit," Sara types in the name of the female immortal dressed in red, Duncan instantly recognizes the assailant, she is an echo of his and Ashlyn's past.

"Bane, Regina: 718 confirmed immortal kills, 718 confirmed immortal kills." Upon hearing Regina's kill count, Ashlyn forms a look of slight disbelief on her face.

"Welcome to your worst nightmare... the guys she killed before wasn't shit though, this woman is way out of your league," Joe warns her.

"Methos, have you met this woman before?" Ashlyn asks.

"Met her? I saw every heinous thing she has done to innocent men. Regina follows the old ways of the Amazon code, but she takes this idea and deforms it," Methos explained to Ashlyn.

"So she thinks men are inferior to women? That explains why Yang is with her," Ashlyn says.

"Who is Yang?" Duncan asks her.

"An old flame of her's, they fell in love back when Ash was in Japan." Sonya informs Duncan.

"Again, another thing you've failed to inform me on," Duncan sighs.

"Yeah, it was back in Feudal Japan, on New Year's day I believe, it's not something I look back on with fondness." Ashlyn says.

"So, why did she really side with Regina?" Joe asks Ashlyn.

"I don't know, but I am going to find out," Ashlyn says.

"I'm coming with you Ashlyn, just like old times," Duncan says to her with a smile. Ashlyn simply smiles back and she dials a number on her phone.

"You and I need to talk..."

Hey there guys! What did you think of this chapter? Comment and let me know!

Also, this Chapter is dedicated to LynnRush, I love your books and your fearless writing style! Thanks for inspiring writers like me to be just as fearless as you queen!

Thank you for reading and I will see you soon.

Peace and Love

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