4: Broken

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Are you on this side of town? Could you be beside me right now? You could ask me that anywhere, I'd say, "Be there soon."

| Sad Corny Fuck // JP Saxe |


    I slam my car door shut, and I'm honestly worried for a minute that it's going to shatter under my touch. I can't even begin to explain why seeing Fay with Jake made me so angry, but I can say it isn't because I'm jealous. Well, it isn't completely because I'm jealous.

    Because yes, she is stunning and smart and funny and determined. And yes, I'd be lying if I said I haven't watched her from the sidelines for far too many years growing up together, too scared to make anything that resembles a move. But I'm not angry that she's with someone. I'm not angry that someone, far bolder than myself, managed to get a chance to make her happy.

            I'm angry because there is a girl on Jake Adams' arm, and she won't listen to me.

    I know he has to be out of control by now after what I saw after conditioning. He's probably fuming, getting angry over nothing, and quite possibly getting aggressive. He has to be. He certainly isn't stable, and he really shouldn't be around anyone, let alone a 150 pound girl. He could overpower her without even trying.

    I feel guilty for what I said to Fay. I know she snapped at me and it was honestly a low blow, but I shouldn't have been rude back. She's clearly not angry with me, but she's just taking it out on me – probably because I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Anyone can see that she's stressed, and I can't say that I'm upset with her for lashing out at me. I'm only upset because I shouldn't have snapped back at her.

    I dial Fay's number and it goes straight to voicemail. I don't want it to seem like I'm intruding in their relationship because I'm not--at least, I'm not trying to. If everything is fine between them, I won't exactly be thrilled, but I'll be happy she's happy and leave it alone. But I've seen the way he looks at her and how she reacts around him – she's terrified. And I don't think terrified is an emotion the girl you love should feel around you.

            Something is beyond wrong.


    "Morning sweetie," My mom says sweetly and kisses my cheek.

    She puts on a pot of coffee and takes eggs out of the fridge. It's her typical routine to make us breakfast before I leave for school and she leaves for work. She's a social worker, and her job is rarely ever an easy one. She sees a lot of neglected children who often can't be saved thanks to a system built with loopholes and just as many children ripped away from families who love them but just need a little more support to care for them properly. I know it hurts her and is beyond stressful, but just knowing she can do a little bit of good really makes her feel like she's giving back. She wouldn't trade her job for the world, and I wouldn't trade being raised by someone who is passionate about her career, even if it meant a little less stress and better hours.

    Looking at my mom, it's difficult to tell that she's actually a mother. She's only thirty-four; she had me at sixteen. It was difficult for her, especially since my father wanted nothing to do with me, which, from the few stories I was able to pull from her about him, I'm thankful for. But she stayed strong, finished high school, and even finished university at our local college completely on her own. My grandparents died when I was four. I don't remember much of them, but I know that they were amazing parents to my mother, and I wish she still had them.

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