New York, You're Perfect - Chapter Two

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              “So when did you move to NYC?” Kurt asked, throwing the leather jacket of his costume over the back of a chair and grabbing the bag with his own clothes in it and pulling out a shirt. Without thinking he ripped the white tee he’d worn for the performance over his head, then realised what he’d done and froze. Blaine too was frozen, eyes roaming the expanse of pale, flawless skin he was faced with. Since when had Kurt had abs like that? Blaine could tell from their hug that he’d put on muscle since their schoolboy days, but those arms were unbelievable. He knew he was staring, but somehow he couldn’t bring himself to feel embarrassed, or stop. Kurt on the other hand was blushing furiously, but couldn’t help the tiny flame of pride that flared in his chest; he still had some kind of effect on Blaine, even if it was only lust. A knock on the door had them both snapping out of their daze; Kurt turning around and yanking the black shirt on his shoulders and buttoning it rapidly, while Blaine took a particular interest in studying the tiled floor of the dressing room.

“Kurt?” Tessa asked, pushing the door open and poking her head around the edge. Catching sight of Blaine sitting there with his back to her, she shot Kurt a wicked smile and Kurt groaned inwardly. No way would his co-star make this any easier for him. “You must be Blaine Anderson? I’ve heard a lot about you.” She threw Blaine a stunning smile, holding her hand out as she bounced up to him.

“Um, yeah, I’m him.” Blaine stammered, flushing slightly pink. He’s still so adorable, Kurt thought, smiling softly at the awkward boy currently shaking his new best friend’s hand.

“It’s so great to put a face to the name,” Liar! Kurt thought, he knew she’d seen the many photos scattered around his apartment that’d been unbearable to even consider throwing away. “I’m Tessa Welfare, a good friend of Kurt’s.”

“You were playing Sandy, right?” Blaine asked, the old charming smile coming out finally despite his embarrassment. “You were amazing; literally blew me away.”

“Well, I’m nothing compared to Kurt, but thankyou.” She giggled playfully, and inwardly Blaine couldn’t help but agree. No-one could compare to Kurt Hummel.

“So how did you and Kurt meet?” He asked after a moment of awkwardness, making Kurt smirk at how desperate he was to try and make conversation.

“We met at NYU, he was my boyfriend’s roommate third year but I broke up with him and we fell out of touch. Then about six months ago I turn up to an audition and who would be there, already selected for the lead, but Mr. Kurt Hummel. This lucky bugger didn’t even need a call back.” She glared at him teasingly, and Kurt felt a familiar blush rise to his cheeks, which intensified when Blaine’s eyes shot to him admiringly.

“First Broadway play and you don’t even get asked to a call-back. I always knew you were born to be a star.” Kurt met Blaine’s eyes in surprise, a small smile curving his lips up. Out of the corner of his eye Kurt caught Tessa shooting him a ‘oh-you’re-so-busted’ look, but she didn’t say anything.

“It’s not that great, they were just looking something a little different for Danny; breaking the stereotype and all that.” Kurt shrugged modestly, just as Blaine had known he would, and the shorter man rolled his eyes.

“Are you ever going to learn how amazing you are, Kurt?” Blaine sighed in mild frustration, before realising what he’d said, but the smile his words put on Kurt’s face made it worth the momentary embarrassment at showing more of his feelings than he’d meant to. Actually, considering he’d spent a good five minutes sucking Kurt’s face outside, he’d probably overstepped the ‘showing too much feeling’ and that line was now way in the distance.

“It wouldn’t hurt for you to keep telling me anyway.” Kurt smirked, giving Blaine a wink that stilled his breath for a moment. And there was the proof that Kurt Hummel was the single, sexiest man in the history of the World.

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