New York, You're Perfect - Chapter Five

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          It took Blaine less than ten seconds to realise what he’d just done. Had he really just broken up with Kurt? Not that they were together in the first place actually break up, but the pain in his chest suggested that this was no more than an insignificant detail. This was Kurt. The same Kurt he’d spent the past five years pining over; the same Kurt who made him feel things he’d never felt before. This was the boy he loved with all his heart; and always would for as long as he would live. So what was he doing standing outside the door, hearing the other boy’s reckless sobs through the wood of the door? Blaine knew he wanted answers, he deserved them, but did the lack of said reasons mean that he would be happier without Kurt in his life? His head hurt as he slumped backwards against the wall, tears running freely down his cheeks. Why couldn’t life just be simple? Here he was, a man trapped in a relationship he wasn’t committed to, leading on a man he didn’t love, and trying to leave the only man he did. Was it really too much to ask that he just be happy; just this once, couldn’t things just work out? Another sob permeated the door, rocking Blaine violently out of his thoughts. That was Kurt in that room, and he was crying. Of course Blaine wouldn’t actually leave him, he couldn’t. With that conclusion he turned on his heel and threw the door open, immediately rushing over to take Kurt in his arms. The lighter haired boy was curled up on the floor, forehead rested on knees which where pulled tightly to his chest as he rocked back and forth, unable to stop weeping.

“Shh,” He whispered, running a hand through Kurt’s soft hair, “Shh love, everything’s going to be okay.” Kurt shifted, wrapping his own arms around Blaine’s figure and the shorter boy’s heart almost broke as he felt how hard he was shaking.

“I’m sorry Blaine, I’m so so sorry.” Kurt whimpered pathetically.

“It’s okay love, we’ll be okay.” He continued soothingly. It wasn’t the past that mattered now, but the present. This moment was all that mattered anymore, and this moment was all he would think about for the moment. Tomorrow could come when tomorrow came, but today, today was about Kurt.

              “I don’t know what happened.” Kurt hissed quietly down the phone, eyes flitting over to the door once again as though expecting someone to walk through it, even though he could still hear Blaine in the bathroom. It had been two days since Blaine and Kurt’s big fight, and Kurt was currently in Blaine’s apartment on the phone to Tessa (it was Blaine’s phone, Kurt’s was out of battery), since she’d not been at the previous night’s show, and therefore hadn’t been able to find out all the gossip. “I wanted to tell him, I was going to tell him, but then I remembered what Karofsky said, and I couldn’t do it. I know David’s living somewhere in New York; what if I told Blaine and we got back together and then he saw Blaine and I together and decided to follow through with his threat? It’d be my fault that Blaine got hurt.”

“Kurt, honey, Blaine’s there now, isn’t he?” Tessa’s voice was soothing, but almost patronising, which made Kurt immediately turn to his defence mechanism of sarcasm.

“No, I’m whispering because I’m playing hide and seek with the King of Zimbabwe.” He rolled his eyes, “of course he’s here now.”

“And you kissed him again, after he followed you out?” She ignored his surly attitude, powering on through her point. After Blaine and Kurt had cried themselves out they’d talked a little more. Not about the past; that had been touched on enough for one night, but about anything else. And Kurt had unexpectedly professed his love for Blaine once again. So of course they’d kissed.

“You know I did.”

“Then it sounds like you guys are pretty much together anyway. Either you tell him, and risk Karofsky finding out that you’re together but he finds a way to forgive you for the past so you can have a future, or you don’t tell him but try and pretend everything’s okay, still running the risk of Karofsky finding out, but also risking him never fully forgiving or trusting you again. Take whichever pick you want, but I know which I’d prefer.”

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