+ twenty-three +

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[lowercase and text talk intended wherever it is]

// alluring and aroused //

[Monday 5:06]

"Schistad, I need to go. I promised Eva that I'd meet her and help her go through her closet with Noora." My hands slid from the button of my jeans to Chris's arms that were wrapped around my waist and pulling me back into the ruffled bed.

We collapsed back into the messily strewn sheets and Chris let out a sigh of relief as he breathed in my scent. I rolled my eyes and shook my head at his dramatic gestures.

"You just came back from a trip to the fucking mountains with your bus." He shook his head as I moved to get off the bed, spinning me around to face him before pulling me back down onto him. I kept my knees planted on either side of legs that were sitting on the edge of the bed. "Do you know what it's like to be left without you for a week?"

I pursed my lips together and rolled my eyes, "Christoffer. I need to go." I pushed his hair out of his face with a swift hand and turned away from him, fumbling with my button once more.

"It's sad. Sad and horny. That's what my life has been like without you." He sighed deeply and walked over to me in the mirror. He lowered his head onto my shoulder and wrapped his arms around me, doing his puppy dog face in the mirror.

"Chris. I've spent all weekend with you and-" I glanced at the clock in disbelief, "I spent nearly the whole day with you and I promise that I'll spend all of tomorrow with you. I've got to go! It's almost six!" I unwrapped his hands and removed his blue shirt, losing it in the pile of sheets and clothes on the bed.

I made no move to cover my chest, seeing as we'd reached that point where I'd think we'd seen enough of eachother's bodies to not feel insecure or bothered by our nakedness. I glanced around the room, trying to assess where my bra was. We'd surely made a mess this weekend.

I looked back at Chris only to see him twirling the nude bra around with his finger. He smirked at me as I narrowed my eyes at him. I groaned and padded across the room, snatching the bra out of his hands, "While I'm gone, you should really fix this room. It's beginning to look like a rats ness."

"Okay mamma." He smiled at me and pulled me close, planting a swift kiss on my lips. I made no movement to deepen the kiss but instead, I planted a finger on his cheek, "I don't know what kinky shit you like but don't ever, call me mamma again. You made me lose my lady boner."

He let out a throaty laugh and planted a playful slap on my ass. I swear I could feel my own cheeks getting hot at his stupid movement. "Get out of here, I'm scared of what Noora will say to me if I make you late."

I turned away from him and picked up my black sweater from the pile of clothes. I threw it over my head, whipping out my hair from the hole. "Is there something between her and William? She's been weird about him, lately." I asked, glancing up briefly from the pulling thread in my sweater to notice Chris's painfully obvious fake innocent face.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." He shook his head and bit his lip to keep from laughing. I narrowed my eyes at him and shook my head, "you're the worst liar Christoffer."

"I'm pretty sure William likes her, which is no surprise but from what William's told me, I'm not sure if she likes him back." Christoffer walked over to his dresser and plucked random sweatpants our a drawer. He began to slide them on, pulling them up so they hung just below the waistband of his Calvin's.

"What has William told you?" I asked instinctively. Chris opened his mouth to answer but I cut him off, "Don't tell me! Bro code. I'll ask Noora when I see her."

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