On the Road by izzyowen01
Okay so even before miss Izzy sneaked her way into self-promoting herself, I knew this one would be on the list.
I've yet to finish it but I'm more than half-way through and it's honestly such a well-written fiction every reader and/or writer should check it out. It has so many parts so far and she updates so frequently, so don't be scared to read it and never see an ending.
The story kind of gives us the life we want, and hopefully get, by practically taking us on tour with parx. I love it, mostly because our books could easily intertwine, and the main character is so good at what she does and is such a strong character.
If you're looking for some new things to read while your other authors are taking forever to update (*cough* me *cough*), definitely add this book to your library and lists because it's a must-read.
(me @ this book)
Waterparks Writing Recs
Fanfictionfor when you need something good to read but you're way too lazy to look through libraries