Chapter 6: The phone call.

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We snuggled into each other as we watched the horror in front of our eyes. Like in every horror movie, the lady had to follow the creepy noise. Its like she was born to die like this.

"Just don't go there!"

"Please please...."

We were yelling at the screen and guess what? She didn't listen to us. Evan and Liam were sitting with a board expression in thier faces right behind us to the side.

Jamie was close to tears looking at people die and I was just furious. Jamie is a real softie, She even looked inocent. Her player of a brother who turns hulk for her in a matter of seconds was truly what what she needed. This is one thing I like about a  brother; They protect you. Though there are a few situations where you find the same act annoying.

"You girls are way to girly," Liam commented in a bored tone, I could litturally smell the mockery that came out of his voice, making me send him a death glare.

"Well, hello? Our anatomy clearly says we are girls!" Jamie sassed as Evan held back a chuckles as he stole a glance at her face. I could have litturally swore that guy was head over heels for her and I could clearly tell she likes him too. I could clearly remember asking him once about liking her as he just pretended  he didn't know where I came from.

Suddenly, I heard my phone ring. I frowned in confusion as I found myself questioning the caller. It was past midnight when I received the call, one of the reason why I was more tensed up when I received the call. Who would blame me? I was watching a scary movie after all.

My face literally lit up when I saw the caller ID,


I quickly took my phones in hand and answered, my reaction was almost instantaneous to the moment I read her name on my screen.

Hello? I said .

Uhh...ha-hi Diana?

Yeah, what's up?

I-I am- are you...busy right now?

No not at all. What's wrong? Are you okay?

I don't have any other contacts on my phone right now so I'm really sorry if I'm bothering you this late but-...I-think some one is following behind me...I don't know ...what to do? She said in a whisper, still managing to sound scared. That was when realisation hit me like wild fire, she was being stalked.

Wait-stay there... I'm Coming to pick you up, yeah? Can you send me your location?


I hung up the phone at the speed of light as I rushed to my room to get my car keys, not bothered to change my baggy pyjamas.

Evan came seconds later, "what wrong? Where are you going?" He asked worringly.

"I will explain later. Come with me, I can't go alone. " I said grabbing his hand and dragging him downstairs and to my car. I tried to ignore his questioning looks as I  reached my car.

As soon as I started driving, I felt my phone vibrate. Checking it, I saw it was a location sent by Stalla. As I opened the location, I started to get more worried. Why the hell is she even in this kind of neighborhood? It was scary to be there. Alone. At midnight.

As I drove cautiously with my car in the empty and dark streets,  I heard rather a rough and deep voice that broke the silence. Exchanging looks with Evan, he nodded his head, providing an indication of hearing what I have heard.

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