Chapter 13: Jevan.

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In the morning, I woke up to Evan shaking my head rather annoyingly. Hitting a certain spot on my head everytime he shakes it, I found myself already getting a headache.

Could he really not just call my name?

"Get up, we are being forced to go to Aunt's house" he scolded.

Visiting my Aunt was something we both dreaded. My aunt is great though. It's just my cousin, leezie. She was one year older than me and convinced that she will be the next supermodel.

I doupt everyone had seen her real face in years. It was trapped under layers of thick makeup. Her hair was bleached a white blonde and stayed just above her shoulders in a sleek bob that was so shiney that it looked like she spayed her hair with polish.

And don't even get me started about her voice...

"You know, that will just make me want to sleep more right?" I said raising my eyebrows in what seemed like his direction, still eyes closed. That was when I could have sworn he rolled his eyes at me. So doing what he usually does, he ignored me.

"Can we bring Stella and the twins with us though?" I asked after a moment of silence, opening up an eye to check if he was still there. When I opened them, I saw him helplessly looking at me, eyes begging to drop the act and wake up because he wasn't in the mood. If I didn't know any better, I would say he was on his man period.

"Yeah, I already invited them."

After taking a quick shower and changing into a pair of jeans and tank top, I went down to see all of them waiting for me in the car. The way they hurriedly got ready made me question their intentions, wondering why they decided we were visiting our aunt all of a sudden and without any previous notices.

I joined them with a fake smile that plastered my face as only few could look through it. I catched Evan's eyes as he offered me a knowing look, though we both knew it wasn't changing a thing. We were still going, the car was still moving and we couldn't possibly flee away.

The drive was only two hours long, though it seemed as it was ever lasting from how slowly the time seemed to pass. The count of the seconds that passed seemed audible in my mind, and I couldn't help but steel a glance at my phone to check the time every two minutes. So when I gave up, I started,

"Ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall-you take one down, smach it on leezie's head , ninety eight bottles to beer on the wall," I sang, hoping my horrible singing would stop my parents from driving there.

It didn't, so I started singing even loader.

"Ninety-eight bottles of beer on the wall-you take one down, throw it at leezie's face. Ninety- seven bottles of -- oh, shit"

I was starting to think that my singing was attractive, but just after I got smacked on the back of my head, I didn't really think that anymore.

"Shut up will ya" Evan said irritatingly.

"But I don't wanna go" I whined, singing the word 'go' with an irritating pain.

"We have to dear, we haven't been there since last Christmas!" my mom said.

"Aaaand, we're here." My dad said as he parked the car in my aunt drive way. Glancing at their house, I clearly saw my Aunt standing infront of her house with a smile as wide as her face, opening her hands wide for us.

Her cheek bones seemed more defined than last time I remembered seeing her, and her features seemed less. She lost weight, alot of weight to a person that didn't classify as an overweight in the first place. Her long caramel hair was tied back in a neat bun, so tightly that it almost looked painful. The lackness of the makeup on her face did nothing but make her look older, as the freckles the filled her nose and under her eyes added to her beauty. Her light green eyes eyed is patiently as we got out of the car and her smile transformed to a laugh as Evan went running to her arms. Even when he wasn't biologically part of the family, she adored him the most and I couldn't help but feel a bit jealous. Just a bit.

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