chapter 16: Bd? big dick?

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Diana's POV;

I heard my phone ring before I picked it and checked the ID:

     Your worst nightmare...

I rolled my eyes as I picked it "Hey Stella, what's up?"

"How did you know?" I could heard frustration in her voice.

"Well, first, you are the only one who uses my phone. Second, I recognised your number. Third, who else would be that stup-"

"Okay okay, I get it. We are you anyways?"

"I can't find my keys, I was looking for them." I said annoyed.

"Come home, I have them." she said.

"Wait, you have them? When did you even take them?"

"While you were talking to Jamie, I took them and replaced them with mine" she explained.

"Wow, James blonde."

"Hey, I am not that blonde, I could be brunette if I want." that doesn't even make since. She continued "plus, I came here to change!"

"Don't you have a house?"

"Imagine if I snatched your keys and went home, you will be locked out and you will be coming to my place!"

She knew how to give the stupidest answers.

"Why would you take them in the first place?"

She didn't answer.

"Where are you now?" I asked again.

"At my place." She answered.

"But you just told me that- ugh, forget it!"

"Hey, just because I said the word "Imagine" doesn't mean it's not true, now come to my place. I will be waiting for you." and she hang up.

I groaned, why am I damned to be surrounded by mentally insane people.

When I reached her house, I opened the door. It wasnt even locked. The light were off and everything seems so still.

Is anyone even here?

When  I went to turn on the light, I was surprised by a sudden outburst.

"Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to Diana...
Happy birthday to youuuuu
Yaaaaaaaay" they all sand in unison.

"Blow of the candles and make a wish" I heard Stella shout.

I was still surprised by what just happened that I still didnt move.

"Come on, hurry up so we wanna eat the cake!" Said the one and only stupid Evan.

I rolled my eyes and blowed of the candles that covered the cake. And closed by eyes to make a wish.

          I hope Stella is truly happy and not just pretending to be...

When I opened my eyes, I took them all in a group hug. "Thank you guyssss!"

"Don't thank us, thank Stella. She was the one who prepared everything." Laim said as I looked at the now blushing Stella.

Aww, that's so adorable!!!

I pulled her in hug, "Aww, thank you stellaa." I mumbled as she laughed and hugged me back.




After the party was over and everyone went home, it was me and Stella who remained, cleaning her house from all the mess that the party caused.

When we finished we sat down, watching a movie.

"Do you wanna do something crazy on your birthday?" She asked out of the blue.

I reaised my eyebrow questioning.

"What's up on your mind?" I asked.

"I don't know yet" she shrugged, thinking if something to do.

That was when something flashed on my mind that made me smirk.

The moment she saw me smirk, she asked "what?"

"Do something interesting huh? Follow me" I demanded simply as I say up straight and went heading to the door.

She was still sitting still confused.

"Come on! What are you waiting for" i asked

"I have a bad feeling about this" she said laughing

Not that Bad....


Ello guys!

What do you thing aniut their relationship so far?


Don't forget to



-Esra <33

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