Chapter Eight

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Jace comes back into the kitchen and frowns when he finds Alec sitting alone at the table. Before he can open his mouth, Alec puts his hand up. "She's working."

He shakes his head. "She's going to get burned out."

"It's her choice," he responds, unfazed. "By the way, what's going on between the two of you?"

"What do you mean?"

Alec scoffs a bit. "Come on, Jace, we're not blind. I've never seen you look at a woman like you look at her, and I've known you a hell of a long time."

Jace's shoulders slump a bit, his defense dropping. It's Alec, for God's sake, just talk to him.

"I don't know." His voice has more of an unnerved tone than he meant to reveal. "I don't know." He shrugs. "After I left school, I had wondered about her. Wondered if she was going to be ok. She had been through so much and I was the only kid she really spoke with. I followed her around like a puppy," he admits. He walks over to the table and pulls up a chair next to Alec. "I feel something, but it's not a good time to act on it."

"Why isn't it a good time? Jace, if something happens that the weapons don't—"

"Don't say that." He cuts him off.

Alec puts a hand up. "Not because of something Elizabeth did. Aspen could be stronger than we're expecting. We never know. But if something happens to her, could you live with yourself? We could all get killed. Wouldn't you have wanted her to know how you feel?"

Jace sucks in a deep breath, Alec's words striking him. Those are thoughts he's already had before. "No, probably not. I don't want to distract her."

"Do you know how she feels about you?"

"Kind of, somewhat," he groans softly. "I think so."

"Is it mutual?"

"Unless I'm completely wrong, it appears that it is."

Alec stands, having finished his tea. "Then there's your answer. Jace, take the chance before the chance is gone. You lost her once, right? Don't lose her again." He pats his brother's shoulder before leaving him to sit there with his thoughts. Does he want to take the chance?

Last night...there isn't a question about it. Something happened. Maybe Alec is right, perhaps he should take the chance. God only knows what is going to happen when Aspen is at full power. It's now or never.


I finally finish the inlays in the blades, the dagger and Alec's arrows. My hands are sore and they've gone numb. I'm out of shape for all of this; my skin isn't as tough as it used to be. I want to say that I'm pain-free and I could work on this until it's done without taking any breaks, but I can't do that to myself. Jace was right, I have to give myself some rest time, even if it's just five minutes.

I glance down at my watch. You've been in here for four hours. Where does the time go? The important thing is that the weapons are almost done. All that's left to do is enchant them, which is harder than you'd think. It takes a lot out of someone, especially someone who is out of shape for all of this. Maybe I'll get Magnus to help me... I wipe my hands to get the dust off and I wipe my eyes, yawning deeply. I stand with a pain filled groan. "Great, you did it to yourself again," I mumble, scolding myself. I limp over to the closed door, which I keep closed so I can make sure I stay focused. I open it just as Jace is about to knock, his fisted hand still in the air. I flinch, obviously not expecting him.

"And I thought I had good timing." He drops his hand. His tone is cool, relaxed. He looks relaxed.

"Or I just have bad timing." I smile a little, attempting to mask my pain. "Everything alright?"

The Keepers: Earth, Iron, and Blood ~A Shadowhunters Fanfiction ~Where stories live. Discover now