A New Flame

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*Author's note*  

hey I just met you 

And this is crazy 

This is my first story 

So be nice, maybe? :3


As Sara stumbled into Maths the first thing she noticed was the smell of sweat and the distinct lack of colour. It was so dreary and completely the opposite as the new house she had just left earlier that same morning. The atmosphere was depressingly dead, despite being filled with about 30 pairs of eyes staring at her and 30 faces with blank expressions. She pushed her glasses up and fumbled around nervously in her bag, feeling as if the eyes in the room were burning holes through her body. Sara quickly scanned the room until her eyes met those of the teacher. She handed him the bit of paper she had received at the office which he scanned over about four times. 

"Right, I see." He said with the most boring, empty voice she have ever heard, "Take a book and sit over there." 

He poined towards a table where there was a girl sitting and an empty seat next to her. She let out an exaggerated sigh as Sara walked to her desk. The girl moved her bag from Sara's appointed chair.

Yeah, it's not like I wanna be here either!  Sara thought to herself.

Sara sat next to the girl who seemed as stiff as a rock, put a smile on her face and said quietly to the girl, 

"Hey I'm Sara." 

The girl tilts her head away from the desk and towards the window on the right. There an air of mystery surrounding this girl.

Damn, thats a cheerful welcome! I'm just glad the teacher didn't make a huge deal about it. 

"Right boys and girls! This is the new girl, Sara. She just moved here all the way from Britain." The teacher burst out with. All the eyes turn and stare at Sara as she watched on helplessly. "She needs a Buddy!" 

She groaned and hid her face in her hands desperately hoping the day would end as quick as she had moved here. 

"Zaria!" The girl beside me looked up. "You can be her Buddy!"  

Sara hated this place already. All the girls look the same in this suburban town. They're all plastic with fake hair, fake tan, fake lips and fake boobs. All except the girl beside Sara. She had very dark raven hair and quite pale skin. In fact, she looked very out of place for such a fake town. Much the same as Sara.

Her street is much the same as the school except for the colour scheme. It's so incredibly obnoxious. Nosy Neighbours, single flirtatious 'moms', perfect green lawns and bright pastel coloured houses. She struggled containing vomit on her journeys to and from school. 

She was late into class because her dad had to have an interview with the head teacher. It's called the principal here in America. The principal - principal Higgins - could hardly understand anything Sara and her dad said to him. The pair were from Scotland. After her terrifying Maths class it was Lunch. The canteen was huge! She had such a tiny one compared to this. Sara felt so awkward that she could feel her cheeks burning up. It seemed to Sara as if they were all staring at her as she got a sandwich and some fizzy juice from the dinner ladies. As she turned around to sit it suddenly hit her that there were no free tables. Sara took a deep breath and walked over to the table where Zaria was sitting. 

"Hey umm, would in be okay if I sit here?" She asked perhaps a little too intimidated. 

"If you want." Zaria mumbled with a mouthful of chips. "Nobody else does."

She sat down slowly and rather awkwardly then began to eat. 

"Your ring.." Zaria said as Sara looked up to see her staring at her hand. "where'd you get it?" 

Sara looked at the delicate celtic style star in her ring. 

"It was my mums" She smiled at the memories. "Why?"  

She leaned in closer. "It's a star pentagon. It's used as a symbol of faith to Wiccans." 

"So... it's like... magic? My mum just thought it was pretty." 

She laughed a little. "It's not magic no but it has some magical assosiations. Do you know what Wicca is?" I shook my head. "It's a religion that incorparates the practice of witchcraft." 

She wasn't kidding. Sara could see it by the serious expression on her face. She told Sara all about a Moon Goddess, a horned god demonised into the form of the devil by the church, theologies and all sorts. It may not be a topic of the norm but at least Sara was having a decent conversation other than what starsign she was.

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