Ch. 12 ~Thinking out loud~

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Songs for this chapter:

Afire love - Ed Sheeran

Ultra violence - Lana Del Ray

Wrapped around your finger - 5SOS

Gravity - Chase Atlantic

-Zoe's P.O.V~

I walked out of Sarah's house waving goodbye to her mum. Sarah has been missing for a while now and there has been so many people searching for her and her mum is starting to give up but that isn't stopping her dad from trying his absolute best to find her. I miss her so much. Lachy and I have never been so stressed.

Since I needed to get the bus, I paced on the foot path to get to the bus stop. As I was walking I spotted Sarah's next door neighbour, the one that I had met when Sarah invited me and Lachy to her house for dinner. He was shooting a basketball in the hoop outside his driveway. He bounced the ball, dribbled it down to the foot path until it rolled away and came near my feet. I watched as he jogged over and leaned down to get the ball. He picked it up and then stared up at me.

"Zoe?" he said with a confused look on his face. Just to put it out there, he's quite good looking.

"Hi," I waved slyly.

"What are you doing here?" he asked me.

"I was checking on Sarah's parents, I wanted to know if they had any information on finding her," I said.

"Oh, well, did they find her or not?" I shook my head and hoped that was a reliable answer.

"I really hope they do. Um are you busy this weekend? There's some opening for a restaurant and maybe you'd like to join me?" Well this escalated pretty quickly.

"Sure" I said.

"I'll text you the details" he grinned before giving me a hug and waving goodbye.

I walked away confused and shocked.

-Nate's P.O.V~

When I saw Zoe walking down the street I knew it was the right time to ask her. I didn't actually have any feelings for her but I just need her in my act. I needed her because she's the only way for me to know where Sarah is and if they are close to finding her, and I need to know this before they find her. I'm not in love with Zoe but if she gets too close then who knows what I'll do with her. I just want to get all the information on Sarah I can get as soon as Possible. Without Sarah's close friends, the scheme I'm plotting won't go to plan.

I have my aunt working for harry, but he doesn't know shes actually working for me. I guess it really is a small world. I know Sarah is with harry and my aunt won't tell me what her plan is to get harry to come back to Australia so I can finally get my hands on Sarah. I hate Harry's guts and I just want to beat the shit out of him. But no, I have to wait for my chance to get my revenge in a way that is totally unexpectedly horrid. For what his father done, he deserves to be be killed. It isn't just him I want killed, I want his lover killed too. Both their fathers were in the act and it was time they lost someone they loved.

~Sarah's P.O.V~

I decided to talk to the maid today so I can know her better. She seems like a really sweet lady but I want to ask her some questions.

She told me she was making some tea and that she would love for me to join her. I haven't really talked to her properly so I was nervous. I mean, if I ask her questions she's probably going to ask me some too.


The Maid told me some stuff about herself and that her name is Nancy and she prefers me calling her by her name. We actually got along really well.

"So dear tell me, do you have any family back at home?"

"I have my parents. I miss them so much, I didn't even get to say goodbye" she looked at me and frowned.

"I'm so sorry dear" I didn't want her to pity me.

"Do you have any family back at home?"

"I have my nephew who means the world to me, my brother isn't Here anyone, he's with my husband in a good place."

"What happened to your husband and brother if you don't mind me asking?"

"My husband suffered from an un-curable disease and died. My brother was shot dead in front of my eyes"

"I'm so sorry"

"It's alright, they're in peace now" we both smiled and continued with our questions.

"Can I ask you something?" I was so close to getting my answers.

"Sure dear ask me anything you want" she smiled and put her cup on the table.

"Does harry actually love me? Is he like really in love with me? Or is this a game he's trying to play? Does he actually love me?" I spoke so fast and my sentences came out so quickly but I needed answers.

"Dear I know you're still shaken up by all of this but I don't know how to answer that."

I stared at her in confusion and blinked.

"Why? Why can't you answer it? What is it? You should know if he loves me or not" She sighed and opened her mouth a few times before actually speaking.

"At times I believe he really loves you but sometimes I think that this isn't all possible."

"What do you mean?" I stared at her in confusion. What was she on about.

"I've never experienced such love"

"And so that makes you think....?" I was biting my nails and was on the verge of screaming and crying.

"I think he's using you"

A/N: shout out to my friend Maddie for helping me with this chapter, you're the best! I SURVIVED 5 DAYS WITH NO WIFI

Ed Shesran and Lana del Rey's album = life.

If you get mixed up with the whole point of this story just inbox me or comment and I'll explain it.

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