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A/N: Hi everyone, would suggest reading this first, gives the backstory to what happened. Hope you enjoy every bit, give me feedback! Sometimes my books lose the plot along the way so just give me a shout - if you know what I mean. Anyway, this book is a work in progress, so the story line has not been completely fixed. :(. But I will stop talking now and let you get on with the story. Enjoy!

They came to Russia first, bringing along a cloud of darkness that consumed the land. News reports flooded in, and fear struck everywhere, in every home, in every body.  Almost three quarters of the Earth's population was wiped out there and then. But as they reached their final destination, Canada and America,the presidents formed a plan.

They fed on our fear, it gave power.

But if all humans were dead, how would they survive?
Jackson and Falkon negotiated the terms. It cost Falkon his life
We were all then gathered up, placed into large holding facilities deep underground. Day life would continue as normal, or as normal as it could be. But each night, they would come. Eat away at our terror, our nightmares.
Who were they? Monsters
Human shaped bodies. Only skinnier, paler and longer.
Long limbs, longer faces, longer teeth.
They ruled this world now.
We were just the mere prey to feed on.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2018 ⏰

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