~ Chapter 18 - What fun we had! Part 2 ~

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~ (Y/n)'s POV~

After our laughing-fest, I remembered. " Hey Ash?" I called for her.

" Yeah?"

" Guess what?"

" What?"



" Nothing, I just have to go to my room." I stated bluntly as she gave me a poker face.

I giggled and ruffled her hair, before rushing up the stairs and into my room.

~ Ashlene's POV~

I sighed as everyone else laughed. I couldn't help but laugh a little. Something popped up in my head. " Hey guys, I'll be right back," I started as I walked up the stairs. Before I left the stairs, I chuckled," Anyone wanna watch anime?" Everyone downstairs immediately scrambled to get upstairs as I laughed.

I slowly walked to the room while everyone tried to get upstairs. I secretly put some spray on the floor under the doorway and waited on the couch.

I heard heavy steps and when they ran in, they toppled over each other, dizzy. I laughed as they realized what I did. They playfully glared at me as I smiled sheepishly.

I walked towards them and I sputtered out a squeak of surprise as Fresh grabbed my foot and pulled me down, making me land on my back as I grunted on the impact. (OOF)

"Whyyyyyyy, why Fresh whyyyyyyy!" I whined playfully as he chuckled.

"Payback, Ashy!" He chuckled as I complained more.

"HEY EVERYONE! GUESS WHA-AAAHHH!" (Y/n) yelled but got cut off when she fell into the pile of monsters. Everyone couldn't help but laugh at her clumsiness.

"What happened? Anyways, good news!" (Y/n) asked and cheered as I gave her a fake look of confusion.

"What's the good news?" I asked, trying not to laugh as I smiled, a little too big, she looked at me in confusion.

She shrugged it off and answered happily, "We're going to the Cottonwood Amusement Park!" Everyone cheered happily as I smiled.

"Welp, get ready everyone! We better not be late, right?" I reminded as everyone rushed to get ready.

(Y/n) and I smiled happily as I ran upstairs. I went into my room and decided to play Mobile Legends! I decided to play a classic and quickly chose my favorite character, Nana!

She's a cat elf, yet she looks like a racoon! She has pink hair, and she has blue eyes! She's really childish, and she's so cute! ((You guys should check out Mobile Legends! It's a really cool game, and I'm a Nana main! I seriously beat my friends on a 1v1 with Nana!))

I played for a bit and got a lot of assists, and groaned as I died. I usually die at around 5:00 to 15:00 with Nana, but I died at 16:28 this time! I cleared out the plane of turrets, and requested back up to kill the Lord.

I cheered as I won! I levelled up to 29! I giggled happily as I thought of something. I called out to (Y/n)," (Y/n), what time are we going to the amusement park?"

"At 2:30!"

"Okay, thanks!"

"You're welcome sis!"

I checked the time, 11:37. I decided to call my friend, Aaron. I usually play with him since he's online most of the time! I decided to text him before I called him. (( P.S, this conversation is real! This is what happens when I ask my friend if we could play together!))
A - Ashlene | Aa - Aaron

A: Aaronnnn
A: Let's playyyy
A: ;~;
(Aaron is typing)
Aa: Ok
A: Yayyyyyy
A: :D

I then called him. "Hello-" Aaron started but I cut him off.

"Let's playyy!" I whined as he sighed.

"Fine." He sighed.

"Yayyyy!" I cheered as he laughed.

The seconds we spent together playing and chatting turned into minutes, and turned into hours.

I heard his little sister on the phone. " Hi Oceanwomannn!" She greeted me as I smiled and said a greeting.

"Welp, I have to go, sorry..." Aaron sighed.

"Aww, again?" I whined.

"Yeah, sorry..." Aaron apologized.

"It's fine! I understand!" I reassured.

"Okay, bye!" He chuckled.

"Byeeee!" I answered back.

I heard a click as the call ended. I felt my heart ache that I couldn't spend time with him. I sighed and heard Deval speak to me.

"Who was that?" He asked with a mysterious tone in his voice. It sounded like he was angry?

"Oh, it was Aaron, don't worry!" I smiled.

He grunted as I tilted my head in confusion.

" Ash! It's time to go!" Sis yelled.

"Okay! Wait!" I answered back.

I put on my boots and put on my sling bag that our mother gave to me. Deval was awfully quiet for some reason, but I didn't wanna bother him, so I said nothing.

I felt like he was angry for some reason. I walked downstairs and tied up my hair into a slight lazy bun, so it looks like I have short hair.

I smiled at everyone and I lead everyone to where my car was, and I quickly transformed it to hover mode so it hovers. I quickly start up the engine as I help everyone into the car and use the remote to open the garage door and drove out, not forgetting to close my garage door.

I drove to the amusement park as I listened to the directions (Y/n) gave me. I parked the car to somewhere near the entrance and turned the car off.

I quietly ignored the stares directing at me as I shivered. I walked with everyone and (Y/n) gave the tickets as the receptionist tried to flirt with (Y/n) and I, so I just fed him with his own tongue. Just kidding, Fresh did that! Just kidding, that was my imagination. I just took the tickets back and went over to a lady as she apologized for his behavior.

"It's fine, don't worry miss! Thank you for your concern though!" I answered back, smiling reassuringly as she thanked me. "You don't need to thank me, thank you miss!" She smiled and let us go on our way. I smiled back at her and saw a familiar face in next in line, but I just ignored it.

I went in and looked around, biting some cotton candy as I savored the sweet yet fluffy heaven in front of me as everyone laughed at me.

"Ashy?" A familiar voice said as they put a hand on my shoulder. I turned around in shock at the familiar face as Deval growled at his presence.

"No way! What are you doing here-"


A/n: Cliffhanger! Try to guess who that is! Anyways, I hope you guys like it and I'm sorry for not updating much! I have writer's block and school recently ended, so expect more updates! If anyone wants to follow me on Mobile Legends,my IGN is '~Melonberry~'! If you can't search it, just search 'Melonberry'! I used to have a Melon picture I drew, but now I have a Nana profile picture! :3 Also, thank you so much guys on helping me reach rank #895 on undertale!

Edit: I'm not going to continue to the next chapter until someone guesses who the person is! ((I'm sorry if this seems mean, I just want people to participate, I'm really sorry!!))

Ashlene out~

1214 words

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