Dating Darcy Would Include

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•taking care of him when he gets super drunk and drunk phone calls/texts

•having to comfort him when he doesn't make the olympic snowboarding team

•him wearing his glasses more bc you think he looks cute in them

•always being the first to find him when he gets lost when drunk

•going to karaoke nights at the local bar

•cheering with him when his best friend mark gets the bronze medal

•telling him stupid jokes that always make him smile

•calling him orange bc of his orange snowsuit

•helping him pick the perfect caption for  his instagram post

•random jam sessions at 3 am with his radio

•cutting his hair for him bc he doesn't want to spend money on his hair

•stealing his sunglasses and dancing around in them

•making fun of him going nude in the snow

•him cuddling you in the morning while he's hung over

•getting drunk and partying with him

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