Big Air || William Buffey

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Who doesn't want to be in Canada watching the World Ski and Snowboard Festival? I was one of the lucky people that was allowed to attend, and as a matter of fact compete. Nerves were very much present, but never the less I were stoked to be there. The style of the big air contest was different than what I was used to, with it being a boys go right after the girls first round. I was patiently waiting my turn to go down the slope, but was a little nervous seeing none of the girls have yet to land their trick. Then it was finally my turn go down the slope, listening to Drake through my headphones helped ease the adrenaline rush I was feeling while riding on the slope. Next thing I knew, I was flying into the air trying to nail my triple cork. I started to land and felt the hard ice like snow beneath my feet. This slope was in terrible condition to host the contest, but I wasn't going to let that mess up my skills and attitude. I began making my way back to the top of the slope to relax while the boys went. It wasn't until I made it all the way back up I realized that I was the current leader for the contest in the girls section. I took a seat and watched the boys complete their runs. By far the funniest male rider was Tyler Nicholson, while he was making his way back up I could hear him. "This slope is shit, I honestly can't even deal with it right now. It's so annoying, come on Canada get your courses together." he said while a hint of sass in his statement.

One of the next riders was one of my close friends, he went by the name William Buffey. I had seen him before due to us both being on the next generation Canada slopestyle team, and we had become really close friends over this past year when we both joined the team. You could probably say I was developing a slight crush for the boy, but I wasn't necessarily out looking for a relationship I had plenty of my teenage years to find someone. Watching Will ride the slope was always entertaining, the way he rode down it with such ease and style, it could make even some of the best riders jealous. He landed his run beautifully, despite the sucky course conditions. I watched him in awe, and clapped for his landed run. Neither of us typically did the best in big air contests, as they weren't our specialty, we were raised on slopestyle courses, not focusing on who can pull just one or two cool tricks. He made his way back up to the top of the course, and I made sure to give him a hug when he did get back up. "That was so clean Will, pull out more of those skills and you'll be officially on the actual Canadian team." I tell him and give him a light push. I don't know whether he blushed or it was due to the extreme temperatures, but his cheeks were sporting a rosy red.

I had to stop focusing on the boys, and got myself all prepared for my second run at the slope. Unfortunately it didn't go quite to plan and I wiped out on my back, sure it did hurt a little but I wasn't going to let it rattle me. I headed back up, focusing on how I could do better on my next runs to place on the podium. Once again I heard Tyler spouting off about the course condition, which was hilarious. I understand why he would be upset, after all he was used high quality courses from South Korea. The boys were all so much more phenomenal than the girls, they had so many more cool tricks under their belt and I was a bit envious of them for it.

Neither William or I placed on the podium but he would've had some sick runs had he landed them better. Regardless of us not placing the podium ceremony had only good vibes, as per usual. I burst out laughing at Tyler when he held his giant check in front of Max's face, and Max proceeded to shove it out of his way. I stood next to Will and clapped at all the winners, while smiling because these were the same riders I have looked up to for awhile, and I just got to compete alongside them.

After the placing ceremony was over we all separated our own ways, and broke out into different conversations. I was chatting with Tyler (and trying not to freak out, because it's Tyler freaking Nicholson), when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I spun around and surely enough it was Will. "Yeah?" I asked him, confused as to why he needed my attention at this moment. "Can we talk? I mean- when you're free" he asked slightly stumbling over his words. I nodded my head at him and told Tyler I would be back in bit. "What's up?" I asked him after we walked further away from the giant mass of boarders. Will looked me directly in the eyes, "Okay let me finish before you reply." he said in a more serious tone than his usual self. "So I kind of like you in a way that isn't just friends, but I don't want this to ruin our friendship otherwise boarding will be super awkward for us for the next few years." Will said while looking at his boots and the snow beneath them. Him telling me this brought a smile and blush to my face, "We could always go out on a date and see how that goes." I replied, cluing in that I happen to feel the same way and would be fine with seeing where our crushes on each other lead us. William finally looked up from the ground, "I would really like that actually.". I gave a slight smile and then began to play with my lips. Before we parted ways again I managed to get out, "Alright, text me when and the details Willy.". He replied back how he would, and then we walked back to the mass of boarders socializing. Before he parted off to go talk to someone else again, he kissed my cheek and said bye.

I finally headed back over to Tyler to continue our conversation, and he spoke up first. "I knew that was going to happen, it's all he could ask our help for lately." Tyler stated while beginning to let out a small laugh. I could feel the heat rise to my cheeks again and all he could was whisper to Jamie "young love, am I right?" while she nodded and smiled back at him. If that was the kind of future I could potentially have, then I wasn't going to complain. Though we will see where the first date takes us.

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