My Girl || Marcus Kleveland

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"Don't tell me you love me, because you don't need mean it, you're just bored. I'm done being in a game when you have all of the cards. Find someone else who will play."  I said while crying.

Why my boyfriend thought he could treat me like some kind of game was beyond me. I was so angry I hung up and chucked the phone at the wall. A broken phone would be the least of my problems, my heart was the bigger issue and now it was beyond repair. I slid down against the nearest wall and put my head to my knees, just thinking where everything went downhill.

I was broken out of my trance when my phone started to ring, meaning I had a text message. It wasn't just any ringtone, it was barbie girl which could only mean one person, Marcus. He's been my best friend for ages now and he's finally back in Norway due to injury. I'm surprised he isn't busy playing fortnite with his buddies. I got up slowly and made my way over to my potentially destroyed phone. Luckily my phone wasn't cracked, whenever you don't want to break it, your phone cracks, but whenever you could care less nothing happens. Very odd, just like my newly ex boyfriend. I proceeded to pick up my phone and look at the message he sent.

marcus: save me, torgeir is sleeping on top of me!!

y/n: wow, that sucks. my bf broke up with me

marcus: the fuck????

marcus: he was a douche anyways

y/n: thanks kleveland, you're so polite

marcus: sorry, let me make it up to you. i will come with snacks to yours

y/n: thanks!!!! you're the best dude

Marcus has always been there for me when a boy dumps me, and I am forever grateful for it. Surely I wasn't going to stop him from coming over, everyone could use a little Kleveland in their life. Soon enough I hear the doorbell ring, and scuff my feet towards the door. Surely as I open it the one and only Marcus Kleveland is standing at the door with a bag from the store.

"Hey, I got here as soon as I could. Torgeir didn't even notice I left, and Ståle was in his room doing who know what." Marcus says to me slightly out of breath. I move to the side and allow him to walk in, while I shut the door. He heads into my kitchen and grabs only what I can assume is spoons. "I hope you like icecream and oreos because I brought both." He says while heading over back to me from the kitchen.

We both plop down on the couch and turn on the tv. Unfortunately I have Apple TV, so when he turned it on I was in the middle of Stales latest vlog. He didn't seem to mind and pulled up an x-games rerun from this year. While he did that I pulled out the goodies from his bag and got them opened. "Isn't this bad for you? Shouldn't you be eating healthy since its in season right now?" I question him. He just looks up from watching the tv, "It isn't if nobody knows, plus I'd do anything for my girl- oh shit sorry I shouldn't have said that" Marcus said while a crimson blush arises on his face. I just look at him in shock, "My girl?" I ask him while joking around. Marcus starts to smile at me, "Well that's how I've always thought of you, you've been with me at my lowest and highest.". These words enter my brain faster than I can handle, and the next thing I know I am replying back. "I do that because I care about you Marcus, I will never stop caring about you, even when the world is ending." He smiles even bigger and hugs me like it will be the last time we ever will, but I'm hoping it will be the first of many more. With that my world slowly starts falling in place, this is how it should've been all along. Just Marcus and I.

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