Part 7

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The kissing went on for quite some time, you had just got to the point when you thought you knew what you were doing and then, you heard the front door open. "Shit" peter whispered, pulling away from the kiss with wide eyes."in there!" He said, pointing at the closet. "go hide in there , quick" you did as you were told and sat silently in the closet while peter frantically threw things under his bed and then covered himself up with the duvet "peter? Is that you?" A woman called as she opened his bedroom door. Peter was pretending to be asleep. "Awww" the voice whispered and shut the door . You heard footsteps retreat and then the tv in the living room turned on. Was that may? Was she the one who hurt peter? "You can come out now y/n" peter called. you quietly hummed Diana Ross as you stepped out of the closet "I hope it wasn't me who made you change your mind" peter sniggered . 

You laughed and laid down on the bed next to peter. "Definitely not, Parker, I enjoyed that make out session very much" You said in a mock posh voice . "Good" peter almost barked as he climbed on top of you and kissed you again . You heard his stomach rumble loudly. You both looked at each other and smiled. "SANDWICH?" You said in unison and peter fell of the bed laughing . He grabbed the sandwiches from the nightstand and threw yours at you "oi!" You yelled as it hit you in the face. Peter sat down where he was a minute ago. You intertwined your legs with his and began to unwrap your sandwiches .

Whilst you ate , you thought about how crazy it was, two days ago you didn't even know peter existed , and now you were pretty sure you loved him. And he was your boyfriend. Boyfriend. You looked forward to saying that word more often . "This is my boyfriend, peter." "This is peter, my boyfriend " "sorry, I have a boyfriend " you acted out scenarios in your head.

Peter wolfed down his ham and sausage and pickle thingy and watched you as you ate. "Hey y/n?" he said , right as you took a huge bite. "You're really pretty." You almost choked. Pretty ? Me? You chewed really fast so you could reply to his compliment. You thought of a million sarcastic and self deprecating comments to say to peter. But in the end, you just responded, "Not as pretty as you." peter laughed and started vogueing "well , i mean" he said in a camp voice. Dork. When you finished eating , you laid down on to peters chest. Careful to avoid the cuts. The feeling of his skin against yours was almost euphoric. "Do you wanna watch a movie?" Peter whispered as he stroked your hair. "Yeah ok, what do you have?" You wondered if you would be stuck watching some awful sci-fi "comedy" that you had to fake laugh at. "Do you like Star Wars?." you gasped at the accusation that a reasonable person like yourself, would not appreciate the best movie saga ever made. You simply unzipped your hoodie to reveal the kylo ren T-shirt you were wearing.

" I thought so" peter smirked , damn that smirk was hot. "I have all of them, which episode is your favourite?" He asked , walking towards the wall of box sets by the TV in his room. "Three" You replied . Peter developed an excited smile on his face "SAME!!!!" He practically squealed. Well that was it, you were clearly made for each other . Peter put the correct disc in to the DVD player, he sat back down, and put his arm around you as you covered your ears when the THX logo came on the screen "Don't worry , it's on really quietly so may doesn't hear" you took your hands away from your ears , relieved that you wouldn't be deafened by the huge speakers peter had in his room . Peter had one arm over your shoulder, his hand was gently resting on your midriff, and one hand on your thigh. You placed your hand on his and fed your fingers through the gaps between his. He gripped your fingers tightly. Even tighter when you moved his hand up your leg a little ....

You rested your head on peters shoulder and he leant his head against yours, you felt him smelling your hair a few times, thank god you washed it this morning. You were lovingly brushing your fingers along the back of peters hand, which was sitting a little higher than before... right where you wanted it, when peter kissed your head. You felt shockwaves of affection run through your body, and you looked up at peter. He was completely engrossed in the movie , and clenching his jaw like crazy . Fuck . You twisted your head so you could kiss his shoulder and he looked down and smiled at you. He reached for the remote and paused the movie. "Hey!! I was watching that ! " peter ignored you and simply asked "do you like ice cream?" 

Peter grabbed a huge tub and two spoons in one arm, and grabbed your hand. "Come on, the sun's about to set" he took you to a metal door in his apartment, he opened it slowly and walked you on to the balcony . The view was insane . Like nothing you'd ever seen before , and as the sky started to turn pink, peter climbed over the railings and sat, dangling above the street . "Come on , babe" he imitated your accent and held his hand out to you . He held on to your hips and guided you so you were sitting in between his legs , and he wrapped his arms around your waist and started kissing your neck. And in that moment, you completely forgot that you were hanging thirteen storeys in the air, one gust of wind away from doom. All you thought about was how completely perfect everything was , right there , right then.

"Here!" He dropped the ice cream onto your lap and passed you a spoon. You were eating peacefully until you felt something cold hit your head . "Oh shit " peter slurred through a mouth of ice cream "PARKER!! You better not have dropped ice cream on my head!! " "sorry sorry sorry" he giggled trying to wipe the ice cream off with his sleeve, he put on your hoodie to come outside. "Peter! Now I'm gonna have to go home covered in chocolate" you scolded . "You can borrow one of mine , baby." Jesus Christ . His voice was so low and attractive. You took another spoonful of ice cream and as you took the spoon out of your mouth, peter adjusted his position so he was dipping you over the balcony. Before you could scream, he kissed you. So passionately, so powerfully, you felt like you were flying . Peter did the tongue thing again and the feeling changed from flying to falling. You had to grab peters arms just to be sure he hadn't let go of you. Chocolate ice cream was pouring out of your mouth , covering peter too. Gross.

Peter pulled away and set you back down on the railing. His lips were covered in a mixture of chocolate and saliva. He wiped his mouth on the hoodie. You were both kinda grossed out by the mess you had made . Peter took you back inside to finish the movie, and you stopped to look at the mirror in the hallway. Oh Lordy. Your makeup was Destroyed! All the crying and cuddling and making out had turned you into some kind of panda / the joker hybrid . Peter saw you fussing over your appearance and whispered "y/n.... you're not as pretty as me but you're very close" you both snorted with laughter. Peter handed you a wet wipe so you could take off what was left of your makeup, luckily you had some back up war paint in your backpack, you'd only been dating peter an hour, you weren't quite at the "admitting your similarities to a troll" stage yet . Peter came in to the bathroom while you were applying the final coat of mascara "are you dolled up enough for me to walk you home" he teased . "Almost . I just need one of those jumpers.... oh ... sweaters , that I was promised." He lent you his school sweatshirt , and a waterproof bomber jacket.

You jumped on the subway and it took you almost all the way home, leaving only one block for you and peter to saunter and chat. You held hands as you walked up the stairs to your apartment, and he kissed you quickly right before you shut the door on his face .

As you laid in bed that night, you hugged peters jumper, that smelled so strongly of him , it filled your dreams with visions of your evening with peter. 

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