Part 9

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You pecked him on the lips quickly and then wrapped your arms around his shoulders and squeezed him until he cried out in pain. "Oh shit I forgot about your chest, I'm so sorry baby!" You panicked at the thought of hurting him . "It's ok" he giggled , "it wasn't that bad" he stared straight into your eyes again, almost into your soul, and smiled gently at you. "What?" You whispered, blushing a little. "I can't believe you're mine..." he said sweetly, under his breath . "All yours, my love" you reminded him "And no one else's" tears started to fall down your face. The raw emotion you felt from just being with peter, made you want to cry and laugh and scream and cartwheel all at once . You had never been completely sure of anything in your whole life, but you knew, that you loved peter. Eternally , unconditionally, totally. 

Peter saw that you were crying and his face completely changed . "Baby! What is it ? What's wrong, my love?" You started to sob "no it's .... I'm fine , I'm just really really happy I - I love you so much!" You cried . You tried not to look at him, you looked awful when you sobbed. "Hey, hey....." he took your face in his hands and wiped the tears from your skin, and gently kissed you on the forehead , as if you were very fragile. Well, you were, but only emotionally . "I love you too, and I'll always be here for you, no matter what." Oh Christ. You started to cry harder, and peter held you close and kissed your head, whispering "shhhhhh baby, I'm here, I love you" you had visions of peter holding an infant, whispering the same thing. Don't get carried away y/n , you don't even know if peter wants kids. Or if he wants you long term anyways. This could just be one of those first love stories that all the songs are about. Yeah. It probably was bound to end sooner or later........

You eventually stopped crying just before the bell rang, and you made a quick pit stop at the bathroom, after kissing peter goodbye . You had to re apply your makeup, you were getting very good at this panda/joker combination, but it didn't suit you very well. Two more classes , and then you could be with him , without anybody watching, without any interruptions. The afternoon could go however you wanted it to.

Tick tick tick.


tick tick tick


Tick tick tick


You hurtled out of the lesson , to peters class. Where he was waiting for you . "Hello , beautiful Queen of mine" he joked as you approached. "Afternoon" You giggled. Peter put his arm around you and said "so , sugar, back to the kings castle for the rest of episode three" "of course, please escort me there, my handsome protector"

Whilst you stood on the subway, peter whispered in your ear "you know, I'm gonna have to take that sweater off of you" you liked the sound of that . "What a shame , Mr Parker, I thought this colour worked rather well on me".

You made it to peters apartment. "Aunt may's not home yet , wanna eat in my room?" He teased, his tone of voice so different from 24 hours ago. "Steady on babe, I've only known you three days." all of a sudden, peter picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. You had no idea he was that strong . He carried you through to his room and then slammed you onto his bed, and closed the door with a wink.

You had managed to make it home while Deanna was out, thank god. You spent ages getting ready for your meal with Hyo , it wasn't like it was a date or anything, but you wanted to make a good impression. Peter was texting you the whole way home, he practically begged to walk you back, but you weren't sure if Peter could out run Deanna . "Don't worry , my love, I'm home safe x" you texted him the moment you opened the door. He replied instantly "I love you 😘" you still couldn't quite believe that there was someone out there who loved you. And you loved him, so much.

You were about to turn the corner for the subway station, when you heard a really strange whooshing sound, and you kept thinking you saw a red flash out the corner of your eye. The same strange flash you saw three days ago. You shrugged it off and boarded your train, following Hyo's instructions carefully. 

You felt like you were being followed, by this strange whooshing sound. Maybe it was your shirt or something. Just as you saw Hyo's restaurant , you got a text from Peter. "You look beautiful tonight😍" what the fuck ? You stopped and looked around , you couldn't see peter anywhere. "What? How do you know what I look like?" You were a little afraid that peter had a drone following you or something. "Because you always look beautiful, babe😝" oh. This was a cheesy flirting attempt you simply responded with an eye rolling gif.

You opened the door to Hyo's restaurant, and they were waiting at the front desk for you. When they saw you their jaw dropped to the floor. "What!?" You were praying your outfit hadn't ripped or something "you look.......amazing" Hyo said, they sounded like they were slightly stunned. "Ummmm thanks, you look, like, nice too" you muttered .

The food at Hyo's restaurant was AMAZING, and they were such a nice person, you could spent hours in their company. Once you had finished dessert , Hyo took your arm and walked you out of a back door in the restaurant, which led to the most beautiful garden. "Woah" you whispered, in complete awe of the incredible display.

You walked around the garden, arm in arm until the sun had faded away, and you found yourself on a bench , over looking a lake . You were about to tell Hyo about your shenanigans at peters earlier , when they kissed you . You panicked. You didn't want them to kiss you, they hadn't asked. you hadn't asked. You pushed them away , hard, with both of your hands "WHAT THE FUCK HYO!" You yelled and stood up, away from them. You had always been taught to stand up for yourself , that nothing was "too harsh" when it came to consent . Your body was your body, no matter what. They stood up too. You had never really noticed how tall they were until now, they towered over you, and you suddenly felt very small. Hyo smirked .

"Oh come on y/n , don't be a drama queen...... we both know you want this" "WHAT THE HELL, NO I DON'T !!" You shouted hoping someone would hear you . "Hyo.... I'm just gonna go, I'll see you tomorrow" you said quietly, attempting to walk past them. They grabbed your arm "GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!" You screamed, and Hyo said "y/n.....I'm so sorry I thought, I thought you liked me ..." "I DID like you, but not like that, now you better let go of me" Hyo looked sad and afraid , they were probably trying to manipulate you . "OH MY GOD, WHAT HAVE I DONE? Oh god, please forgive me y/n, I thought that you would like that kind of thing....." they still wouldn't let go. "Hyo..... I'm dating peter, I told you that!" You started to feel bad , maybe they really hadn't meant it..

You wriggled out of their grip, and ran as fast as you could to the only place you felt safe. Peters arms. 

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