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A week has passed. I'm back in LA now, with Hollie at the beach.

"I don't think what you did was that bad, but I do see why he's upset." She says, after I finish explaining everything.

"He looked so hurt. I felt terrible as soon as I said it, it's not like I intended it to sound like we have nothing but a professional relationship- I just meant that he was being way too overprotective." I groan, selecting a place for us to sit in the sand and bringing a bottle of Jack Daniels out of my handbag.

"I really don't think that drinking on a beach at night is the best idea." Hollie says, raising her eyebrows at me.

"When has anything we've ever done been a good idea?" I question, sarcastically. I bring out two red party cups and mix the Jack with Coke.

"Do you have snacks in there as well, or is it just a full mini bar?" Hollie jokes. We both laugh, before I pull out a packet of crisps and throw them at her. We laugh more. It goes silent as we sip our drinks, staring at the sea.

"He still won't make eye contact with me..." I mumble, a tear slipping down my cheek.

"Stop crying, pussy. He'll get over it, just give him time." Hollie insists, kicking me.

"But I was rude to him for worrying when he had perfect reason!" I reply,

"Okay, now you're just lying to yourself. You were fine after fainting, he should have been worried about the fact that your ex boyfriend was coming to visit, not a bumped head." Hollie states,

"But if he wasn't there when Asher grabbed me then who knows what would have happened!" I stress.


I had gotten off of the tour bus to go into a service station when a pair or dirty hands grabbed me and pulled me into an alley behind the station. I was terrified as he pinned me against the wall. I knew that I shouldn't have left the bus alone but I couldn't stand the tension between Ben and me for any longer.

He hadn't shaved since the last time I saw him, and his eyes were red and menacing. His once handsome face was now sort of terrifying- Hollie really had worked her magic on him. I tried to scream for help but he pushed his mouth against mine, forcing me to choke on his tongue. If I shouted or made any noise he'd hit my head against the wall, or hurt me. He groped at my chest and I felt the hot tears pour down my cheeks. He started to pull my top off when someone grabbed him, smashing him into a bin.

It was Ben.

"You're not going to ever fucking touch her again!" He yelled, over and over again as he smashed his knee against his face.

"Ben, Ben stop you're going to kill him!" I scream, trying to pull him away. "Ben, please!"

It was like he finally saw sense. It was the only time he'd looked at me properly since our argument. He looked into my eyes before scanning my face. His chest moving in and out with his heavy breaths.

"Amy? Ben?" Ryan asks, appearing from around the corner. "Shit!" He gasps, catching sight of Asher. Ben's eyes tear away from me, and he turns to Ryan.

"Call the police, now..." He mumbles. The police were there within 20 minutes, and took Asher in. He was deported back to America that night and put in solitary confinement until his hearing.


"It doesn't matter, you're fine now." Hollie says. We finish our drinks. "Alex said that there's party in the hills tonight- she got us on the list, if you want to go." She says. I consider it.

"Let's go." I decide, getting up.


LA parties are honestly the some of the best. As soon as we pull up outside we hear the loud music. We open the door, and tell the guy our name. Rich people parties.

Coloured lights flash, the bass of the live music vibrating everything, including our bodies.

"Hey, you want a drink?" A guy asks. He's around my age and has blonde wavey hair that finishes just above his shoulders.

"Sure." I smile, glancing behind me for Hollie. I see her disappear into a crowd and hug someone, she's probably found Alex.

"Here with someone?" He shouts over the music,

"Yeah, but she's found her friends." I reply. He grabs me a pink cocktail and takes my hand, leading me outside.

"Yo guys, I found this chick." He calls to his friends, leading me over to them. They're all lounging in conservatory chairs. They all look like surfers.

"Hey, I'm Amy." I greet,

"Hey girl, I'm Frankie." A girl with hot pink hair replies, making room for me. I slot in next to her. "This is Ellie, Gray, Deven- don't worry, he's nowhere near as much of a dick as his name makes him sound-"We all laugh, "And this is Annie, Jake and Ramone."

"I'm Jax, by the way." The guy who brought me over here smiles.

We all greet eachother, making small talk. We sit there for around an hour, laughing and joking.

"Hey," Frankie whispers, "I've got some Ket in my bag... If you're down." She suggests. By now, you would have thought that the experimental teen inside of me would have calmed down and became mature. It hadn't. I had never tried it before, and who was I to turn down free drugs from someone I barely knew? *Sigh*. "Guys, we'll be back in a minute, we're going upstairs to blow." She says, causing everyone to cheer.

"Blow?" I question,

"Shhhh." She replies, leading me upstairs to a bathroom.

"What does blow mean?" I ask, as she locks the door.

"It's slang for 'take drugs'." She giggles, setting up a few lines of the white powder on the bathroom surface.

"Isn't that cocaine?" I ask. She laughs.

"No, you just take it in the same way- it tastes disgusting." She explains. "You ready?" She asks,

"Of course I'm ready." I reply,

"Oh wait, let me put my number in your phone first- we'll probably be too high to care about meeting eachother again to do this later." She smiles. We exchange numbers before snorting the Ket.

We go back downstairs and I bump into Hollie.

"Hey!" I smile, walking over to her. "Um,-" I forget the girl with hot pink hair's name temporarily, "Alice? Um, shit... Frankie! I'll be out in a minute." I say,

"Sure thing." She replies, going outside.

"Are you okay?" Hollie asks,

"I'm more than okay. I met these people, and they're super cool, and they gave me Ket!" I say, happily.

"Really? Do you trust them?" She asks,

"Yeah, they're great!" I reply. "God, I feel so fucking mellow! I'm like a yellow butter!" I laugh,

"A butter?" Hollie laughs,

"Totally! Dance with me?" I ask. She groans as I force her to dance.

"I'm gonna need to get back to Alex, do you want me to wait for you to go home or are you cool?" She asks,

"I'm coooool. Cool like a butter." I cheer, turning my back on her and stumbling out of the door.

"Amyyy!" They cheer,

"That's mee!" I reply, flopping onto the garden furniture and leaning against Deven. "You know, Dev, you're really not a cunt." I smile. We laugh.

"Wow, thank you." He chuckles. We all lie there, slouched over the chairs in the garden, all completely obvlious to everything around us.

That night I forgot about everything important, everything that was on my mind, I forgot about Ben. 

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