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I wake up and squint as I'm blinded by the sun. Did I fall to sleep on the outdoor furniture? Chuckling, I sit up.

Deven groans as I move and wakes up too.

"Hey." He smiles, "Y'know, this wasn't even near one of the worst places I've slept." He shrugs. "Yo guys, wake up." He shouts, clapping his hands. The rest of the group wake, Ellie jumps, falling off of the sofa.

"Deven! You dick!" She laughs. Jake pulls out his phone and types something in.

"Dudes, we have to go to the beach today! The waves are perfect and it's so hot." He states. They all agree.

"Amy, you coming?" They ask. I think about it.

"There'll be weeeeed." Jax tempts,

"Tell me the beach and the time, I'll be there." I give in. Ben's already finding his way back into my head, and the thought that he'll never forgive me is far too painful to think about. They cheer, god they do that a lot.

"Manhattan beach, 2pm?" Frankie asks,

"I'll see you there." I wink.

Grabbing my bag, Ramone gives me a lift home. During the ride we share a joint.

"How have the police not arrested you yet?" I ask, we both laugh.

"They don't care about us. We're not poor or homeless and we're not making their 'perfect little city' look untidy." He explains. "So," He starts, after a few moments of silence, "What are you trying to get away from... Or who, should I say?" He questions,

"Ohhh, I don't think we need to talk about that." I state,

"Don't worry, don't worry, I get you." He grins, nodding his head. He pulls up otuside my apartment and I thank him. The joint helped but I still feel dragged down and depressed by my last week on tour. I enter my unlocked apartment and go straight to the kitchen, mixing some Gin with orange, cranberry and mango juice into a pint glass- trust me, it's a good mixture. I sip at it, enjoying the sharp burn. Hearing sobbing from Hollie's room, I enter it, drink in hand.

"Shit, Hollie, what's wrong?" I ask, putting my drink on her desk and hugging her tightly. She hugs me back, still crying.

"It's Alex... She's gone to Mexico, delivering more fucking drugs." She blurts.

"Are you kidding me!? I thought she said last month was the last time!" I say, angrily.

"Well she lied!" Hollie states. I comfort her for a few minutes until the crying stops.

"When does she get back?" I ask, standing up and sipping more of my drink.

"Friday." She answers, sadly.

"I really, really shouldn't be proposing this. And it's totally cool if you're not down... But the people that I met last night... They just get fucked up constantly. Like they're such chilled people, and they know where to get most of the drugs you can imagine- they were telling me about it last night." I explain,

"What are you saying?" She asks,

"I'm saying, that how are we meant to be mature when we spent most of our teenage years trying to get good grades and university degrees? We didn't do the thing where you get fucked up for days on end- we went to a few parties- and hated them! Now, we both have things that we really, really don't need to think about right now. So I'm proposing that we use this week to get as off our faces as possible, before Friday. Then we'll come clean. We won't take ANY drugs that you can get addicted to, so on Friday we can fae our problems and start our new lives as mature young adults." I suggest. She's silent. I down more of my drink, finally starting to feel happy. She wipes her eyes.

"So are you going to make me my first drink or am I doing that myself?" She asks. I cheer, finally understanding the joy that the guys from last night feel whilst cheering.

"Get ready! We're going to Manhattan beach at 2pm!" I state, running into the kitchen. I top up my own drink, and make her one before returning to her bedroom. "Your drink." I smile, handing it to her. "To the most fucked up week we're ever going to have." I toast, as we click glasses.


Hi guys, so I wrote this fanfic a while back and am only just now posting it. At the time I use to put together outfits on Polyvore as I think it gives more depth to the characters, I know you can't click links on Wattpad but if you'd like to know how I personally envisioned Amy and Hollie's styles I'll leave the links below. Thank you so much your reading, I appreciate every single one of you!! Xx

Hollie's outfit:

Amy's outfit:

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