the end

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The woods were always her favorite place in the world, the city her lest.

She has to move more into the city to be closer to her job, her apartment was to small for her taste and the never ending lights and noise would drive her crazy.

She was a solider, put back in civilization, now she was nothing more that a coffee girl, a coffee girl who was cat called and sexually harassed, her PTSD was never ending and suicide was always on the edge of her mind, but the thought of being called back to the zone made sure she never jumped or pulled that trigger.

Today was no different, her boss made a grab for her ass and in one of his attempts spilt her coffee on her. So her day was going as great as it was going to get.

When she went home she found her apartment door open, she grabed her hand gun from her pursed and made her way inside.

Nothing was wrong, everything was the way it should be, the reason the door was open is because he boyfriend came home. She always liked to see him, he always brought her the best gifts.

Today he brought home her boss, she was so happy, I mean what more could a killer ask for than the one person she hated the most? Together they slowly got rid of him.

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