The sharp scent of vodka . The aftertaste of sex. Beads of sweat glistening over our bodies. The room echoing with moans of anticipation and multiple orgasms. Hair pulling,nipple pinching,neck bruising wonderland. Insecurities masking masculinity,and masculinity draining more and more with each time our tongues danced to the beat of our primal lust.
This is the pinnacle of your existence,the moment where you prove to not only yourself ,but to the world ,just how sexy you truly are. Spread those legs,arch that back,extend your neck,lace him in your limbs,let your passions and inhibitions encumber your existence,and let him use you.Let him cleanse his impurities;let him imprint on and in you. Accept his seed because you know without it you have no roots-validate me.
Cleanse my sinful virgin body.
Easy is the novelty,those chosen.
Hard is the oddity,those forgotten.Why work for something you can get for free.
This isn't what I want. Do I relish in your knowing of that, or Do I mourn in your inability to let me be apart of the novelty.