(3) Turnarounds

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•TW• Will be talk about alcohol•

"I got your text." A truly tired looking Hayley said, sitting down next to Josh, in McDonald's, at 4 a.m., practically falling asleep.

"Listen. I'm sorry, I know I haven't talked to you or hung out much anymore. I knew I fucked up, and I fucked up bad. But I need someone." Josh looked desperate, also tired, but mostly desperate.

"Josh I shouldn't even be here, I had to lie to Savannah where I was going." Hayley sighed, resting her hand on her forehead for support.

"What did you tell her?" Josh being the curious guy he is.

"I had to lie about going into work early, and my work doesn't even open till 9 a.m. Josh!" She whisper shouted.

"I'm sorry, but I need help." He had a helplessness look on his face, Hayley sighs. "I have to do it, I need to be clean.... for, for Tyler."

Hayley now confused looked fully up at Josh, removing her hand from her forehead.

"Josh? What's your problem? Why Tyler, why all the sudden now? After years of Brenden trying to help you why now! And for Tyler! He doesn't even trust you anymore Josh!" She huffed. "So why should I."

She started to get up but before she could leave, Josh grabbed her hand, a pleasing look on his face.

"Please..." he started to cry. "You're the only person I have." He looked down dropping her hand to let her make the decision, whether to leave or help him.

Hayley slowly sat back down and grabbed both of Josh's hands. "Okay, okay, I'll help you. But why are you doing this?"

"I bumped into Tyler at the grocery store a couple days ago, and I tried to say sorry but... I wasn't all that sober and he looked at me like I was a monster. He told me I didn't mean it and left." Josh was still crying, almost on the verge of sobbing. "I just, I don't care if I'm never the one to make Tyler happy again, but I need to stop this for myself too. And Brenden and Dallon, and Lily." Now he was sobbing.

"Josh....I'll help you." Hayley sighed. "But I you screw up and don't really try, I will never speak to you again, and don't try contacting me. Got it." She said arms crossed.

"Got it." Josh said, a small teary smile appearing on his face, the first real smile he's felt in years.


Hayley walked into the apartment trying to be as quiet as possible, but failed when Leo (the cat) started meowing uncontrollably.

"You didn't really go to work, didn't you." Savannah said sitting at the table.

"You got me. But don't tell Tyler." Hayley said lifting her arms up in surrender.

"Why the hell would I tell Tyler?" Savannah spoke utterly confused.

"I met up with Josh." Hayley sighed, seeing as Savannah was about to rage. "Only because, he needs someone. He's trying to become sober again. He wants to stop drinking, but he needs help."

"Doesn't he have Brenden for that?" Savannah questioned.

"Brenden doesn't really wanna be around him right now, because of Lily and that stuff." She answered.

Savannah had a quick 'oh' moment and then sighed. "I won't tell Tyler a thing, but I wanna help him too." Savannah sighed again. "I think Tyler still had feeling for him." She stated quickly.

"Wait, what?!" Hayley almost screamed.

Savannah put her hand on Hayley's mouth. " Ever since he saw Josh that day he acted..well, not himself." Savannah put her hand down. " I think he is conflicted. Do you think Josh could really change?" Savannah then stopped, "I just don't want Tyler to get caught up in old feelings, y'know."

Hayley shook her head slowly, she understands what Savannah is saying completely. Tyler is a person to be very forgiving and sometimes it's not always his best trait.


"Savannah! Savvy! Savannah!!!" Tyler was screaming from his room, at 6:13 a.m. so you could tell something was wrong.

Savannah came running into Tyler's room, petrified because when she came into the room, Tyler was shaking and crying.

She ran over to him, engulfing him in her arms. "Tyler what's wrong." She asked calmly to get Tyler to be calmer.

"I...I had a dream about Josh!" He was still sobbing, Savannah rubbing her fingers through his hair to try and calm him down. "He...he was trying to hurt me! A-and I couldn't do anything!" He sobbed even more.

"Tyler that won't ever happen, I promise I will always protect you." Tyler relaxed more when he heard those words, his sobs turning into soft cries.

About five minutes later he was out, sleeping peacefully again. Savannah didn't dare leave him either.

She meant ever word she said too. She loves Tyler and will do anything to keep him safe.

Hi. I had a really good day, that's unusual.

Enjoy this chapter of fluff and other things amongst.


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