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"Love Is Everything"

We had flown back home to get more of Brenda's belonging's. She had agreed to go back to Washington with me. Her sister's wedding was that week. We had been helping with the wedding.

Brenda asked me to be her plus at the wedding before I had a chance to ask her myself. Great minds think alike. My mother was thrilled that Brenda and I found our way back to each other. She always felt that Brenda was the one for me. I guess as they say Mother's know best right?

Brenda was at her sister's bachelorette party that night in town. I was going to be Skyping on my lap top with my mother. I had something I needed to ask her.

I was going to do it. But I wanted some advice before I took the plunge. I wait at my lap top as I glance over at the time. Hoping my mother would call before Brenda made it back from the party.

My Skype begins to beep and bong at me. I click answer on it.

"Mother thank god you called! What time is it over where you are?" I ask her.

"Sorry son. We were over looking at pyramids today! Then the WIFI was acting all wonky here" says mother.

She smiles at me. "I have some big news for you"

"Brenda is having a baby? I knew it!" mother goes to squeal.

I laugh as I shake my head no. "No mother. But my news is about Brenda" I tell her. "I plan on asking her to marry me after her sister's wedding"

"Oh Aaron! I always knew it! I am so thrilled for you!" mother tells me.

She looked like she was about to cry right there on the spot.

She places her hand over her mouth. Water works come. "I am so happy right now!"

"I know. Me to mother. I called because I want to ask Brenda with your ring. You know father gave you a knew ring for your twenty-year anniversary. And I was hoping I can gift your wedding ring to Brenda. It would mean the world to the both of us" I tell her. She nods as tears flow. "I wish I could hug you" I laugh.

"Me to" she gushes. "my ring is in the top dresser drawer in my room"

"Thank you, mother," I say.

"Let me know everything. I better see photos on Instagram and Facebook because we can't come. I sent a gift to the house for her sister. Did it get there? You will have to wrap it for me" asks mother.

"Yes, it got here yesterday. I will wrap it for you. Okay? I better go mother. Brenda will be here soon. Love you" I say to her in a rush.

"Good luck baby. I love you!" she says before we hang up.

I grin. I had the approval to ask Brenda to marry me from my parents. I had a ring. Now all I had left to do was ask the girl. At the perfect time. I just knew she was going to tell me yes.

I mean I know that it might be a tad soon to ask her this. Seeing as we just started dating. But we have known each other for a lifetime and I did not want to waist any more time. I wanted Brenda to be mine. In name and as soulmate. That was my goal. I head in my mother's room while Brenda was not there.

I begin to rummage in her drawer. I find the ring in the bottom of her dresser drawer. There it was. In an old fashioned little box. I knew the story on this ring. My grand-father had given this to my grand-mother once they moved to America and had my father.

My grand-father had no money at the time to give his wife a ring over in the old country. So, when he finally got a good job in a factory here in America he went out and bought my grand-mother this ring. Then when my father asked my mother he gave it to her. Now it was my turn to pass this ring down in my family.

It was a simple little ring. But the meaning behind it was stunning. I smile recall the story my grandfather used to tell me about it. Then my father. Now it was my turn to gift this ring to the woman I loved. Maybe it would bring me luck.

"Aaron there you are!" I hear Brenda come in from behind me. Her arms steal from around my middle. I feel her face pressed into my back as she hugs me.

"How did the party go?" I ask her.

"It was fun. How was your chat with your mother? How is she?" Brenda asks me. "Aaron what is that?" she spots the ring.

"I was looking through family memories. This was the ring my grand-father gave my father to give to my mother. Before he bought her a new ring. My grandfather could not afford to get my grandmother a ring until he came to America and had a new job. Then he bought her one. Now when I marry one day I get to gift this ring to the woman I love. Someday" I explain to her. She looks at the ring.

"I love it. So simple. So meaningful" she tells me as she smiles.

I was going to wait. I really had waited long enough though.

"Marry me" I blurt out.

She blinks looking surprised.

"I was going to ask you this properly at your sister's wedding. I asked my mother where the ring is.... anyway" I sigh. I grab the box from her. I kneel down on one knee before her. I hold out the ring. "Marry me. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you, I spent so much time apart. I know this is sudden. But we already know we love one another. We should be together. I never wanted anything more than this"

My hands shake as I hold out the ring to her. Her eyes widen as they look at me. She still had not said a simple yes or no. Nothing. My heart hammers with nervousness.

"YES" she exclaims.

She pulls me up. Takes the box. I help slide the ring on her finger. She tugs at my shirt pulling me close to her. She kisses me. Happiness floods in me.

"Yes?! You will marry me?" I demand to know as though I might not have heard her right the first time.

She nods as she smiles joyfully. "Yes Aaron, I will marry you! I love you"

"Oh Brenda, god you make me so happy! I can't wait to marry you!" I exclaim with joy. I kiss her. We were going to have our happily ever after. It was about damn time.


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