1. Betrayal

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Lucy POV
It was a sunny day all over Fiore. Of course, since I was inside, it didn't really matter, but I could se it through the windows... Kind of...

I walked over to a bench inside the guild and sat down and started thinking to myself.

Hm, what should be in my next book?
Should it be about the guilds or maybe I could write about one of my missions! or... Dragon slayers! An interview with a dragon slayer!

All of a sudden I heard some noise, which crushed my train of thought.

"So guys, you ready?" I heard Natsu whisper.
I looked up in time to see Erza, Gray and Natsu standing above me. All of Team Natsu stared down at me.

"Lucy," Natsu started. "We're kicking you out of Team Natsu."

My jaw dropped.


"Because you're weak." Interrupted Gray. "You hide behind your spirits and never want to fight."

I looked up, not letting the tears show.

Erza looked at me awkwardly. "Well-"

"Erza agrees with our decision. Lucy," Said Natsu. "You're off Team Natsu. Now we can replace you with Lisanna."

"Whoo!" Cheered Cana. "You finally ditched her!"

"Juvia doesn't agree with Cana-sama, Love Rival is very kind you shouldn't be so mea-."

"'Bout time, I'd say." Smirked Laxus.

"Guys," said Gajeel uneasily. "Maybe you shouldn't all gang up on bunny girl..."

"Yeah." Piped up Wendy. "She didn't do anything to you."

"Except for coming to Fairy Tail in the first place." Spat Levy.

"Yeah." agreed Mirajane.

"B-but Mira-nee, I don't-" Started Lisanna.

I looked down, turning my back and finally letting the tears fall. "Sure," I sniffled as I went out the guild door toward my apartment. "Bye Team Natsu.


I packed up my last shirt and sighed. "Well," I sighed. "This is it."

I went to go find the landlady.

"I'm moving out." I said.

"Oh?" asked the landlady. "Moving into Fairy Tail dorms?"

"No..." I sniffed. "I'm leaving Fairy Tail."

Okay, first chapter, done!
I know, a lot of people write books like these, but I want to try and write my own. Thanks for reading!
Remember, feedback, please!

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