VIII | Letter 08

92 23 4

Friday 30th of May

Dear Manny,

Do you remember that day our dads decided to take us camping?

Well, your dad wanted to take us camping. My dad isn't much of an outdoorsy person. It was very obvious by the way my dad continuously tried to get out of it.

Mum made him come in the end, do you remember that?

Do you remember that night we heard a noise outside of the tent, so we crept out of our tent and went in search of the source?

We weren't sure if it was a bear or something more or less dangerous. The danger never fazed us; we just kept trotting through the woods as if we owned it.

Essentially, I think we did in our own minds.

We owned the little world we created together that one night.

First came the rain and then came the lightning.

At first, I didn't even notice the change in the atmosphere. I didn't notice how dark it had suddenly gotten either. I didn't realise something bad was about to happen.

Then, as if on cue, the thunder came. It cracked loudly several times, frightening me more than anything. I remember clinging to your shirt as the storm raged on.

I had been so scared that I wouldn't make it out of there alive but guess what you did?

You wrapped your arms around me, picked me up and carried me back to our tent.

It would seem that I'd consider this one of the worst nights of my life because of my fear of thunderstorms but the truth is, I consider it one of my best.

Tonight, the storm is brutal, and I just want to curl up into your chest because whenever you were around, the world always ceased to exist.

I can't wait for you to come back.

I miss you so much.

I'll be waiting.


Alyson Summers.

Sincerely Alyson ✔️Where stories live. Discover now