XV | Letter 15

73 26 2

Friday 1st of August

Dear Manny,

I haven't spoken much since what happened that day and everybody can't help but notice I've gone mute - even more than I did the day you left.

Except today, I didn't come home limping and mum wasn't yelling to get me to explain.

Do you remember Alexander?

He was the quiet boy who sat at the back of the class who never spoke a word.

At lunch time, Timmy came again just like he always did. His friends surrounded me and got ready to give me my daily dose of hell, but it never came.

Today, Alex Hartman was my hero.

When I needed you the most, you didn't come but someone else did.

Why didn't you come, Manny?

I needed you the most today and you were a no-show.

You've always come for me, so I'll wait like I always do.

Yours sincerely,


Sincerely Alyson ✔️Where stories live. Discover now