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"You have your daddy's eyes," Maxie murmured, cradling her son. "He would have been so happy to meet you."

A month ago, she would have wept just thinking about Nathan. But now she had a real tangible piece of him in her arms. For the first time in months, Maxie didn't feel like there was a gaping hole in her life. Right in this moment, holding her baby, she was almost happy. The only thing missing was being able to share this with Nathan.

There was a brief knock followed by Nina peeking around the door. "Hi, can I come in?"

Maxie nodded, shifting on the bed slightly making room for Nina. She had pushed Nina away for too long. It was time to let her back into her life and the baby's.

"Big day, going home with this little guy," Nina said sitting next to her. She stroked the baby's cheek. "He looks just like Jay did when my mother brought him home. You're going to have a heartbreaker on your hands, Maxie. Everyone is going to love him."

"Just like his dad," Maxie murmured. She met Nina's tear-filled eyes. "I miss him, every day."

"Me too." Nina swiped a tear off her cheek. "But look at this precious gift he gave us. Have you decided what to name him?"

Maxie looked down at the baby in her arms and smiled. "He's going to have the best name, his father's name. I think Nathan would say he hated the idea but secretly he would love it. James Nathan Jones-West."

"It's perfect. Can I hold him?"

Maxie nodded and shifted the baby into open arms, watching as Nina cooed over him. Nina should have been a mother, Maxie thought. She would have been a great one. Well, once she was past all the crazy stuff.

"Did you know Dante is his godfather?" Maxie asked.

"No, I didn't. That's great. It's what Jay would have wanted."

"You know what else he would have wanted? He would've wanted you to be his godmother."

"Me?" Nina echoed in surprise. "I'm already family. You should ask Lulu."

"No," Maxie replied firmly. "Nathan would agree with me on this. I want you to be James... Jamie? James junior? I'll figure that out later. But, I want you to be his godmother. Please."

"Here I am crying again," Nina said through tears. "Yes, I'll be his godmother. Thank you." She reached out for Maxie and hugged her tightly with one arm. "My first job as this beautiful boy's godmother is to tell his mother don't ever call him Junior."

They laughed together. It felt good to laugh again. "Okay, no junior. James is a good name."

"Maybe he won't mind if I call him Little Jay."

"Definitely not."

They sat together with the baby for a while longer until a nurse came with her discharge papers. "I don't know where Mac and my mom are," she said signing off on the forms. "They're supposed to take me home."

"Oh, I got so wrapped up in this angel, I forgot. Your parents asked if I could take you home."


"They didn't want to upset you with it, but Robert Scorpio fell down a flight of stairs the night Little Jay was born. They're with him right now."

"What? How?"

Nina shrugged. "I don't know. An orderly found him about five minutes after he fell."

"Is he going to be okay?"

"Oh, I'm sure he is. But if it'll make you feel better, I'll check on him later after we get you home. I'm going to get the car seat and then we'll be on our way."

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