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"Jaehwan! It's past 3, go check the mail!" The brunet let out a dramatic sigh as he heaved himself off of the couch, yelling back to Wonshik.. something about being lazy and do it yourself, although he was already going down to the mailbox.

He walked to the end of the hall, walking especially slow as he looked at the apartment beside his.. the one that the pretty and strange boy had been in. His curiosity was getting to him. 

Apartment 332, huh? He kept that number in his mind, repeating it over and over as he ran to the elevator and got in. Wonshik, that liar. He couldn't believe that he'd taken the stairs for months when the elevator worked just fine! But again, like he'd said, he was kind of in shape because of it? He didn't like working out at all, and Wonshik was a bit of a gym enthusiast, so maybe that was the younger man's way of helping him stay kinda healthy. 

He looked around the small elevator, sighing a bit. It had been so long, his legs were practically screaming in relief after he avoided the stairs. He'd totally forgotten what the elevator even looked like. 

It suddenly dinged to a stop, the doors opening to reveal the lobby. He quickly jogged outside, hugging his arms close to himself. It was spring, but it was still pretty cold out. He dug his mailbox key out of his pocket, unlocking the box that was labeled '333: Kim Wonshik/Lee Jaehwan.' He hummed when he found a small package inside. Whatever Wonshik was expecting was finally here, he'd be happy.

He was about to go back up to the apartment when he suddenly remembered something. He peeked back at his mailbox, then went one over. '332: Jung Taekwoon'. 

Jaehwan felt his lips creep up into a smile. Taekwoon? That was adorable. 

He ran back to the elevator, pressing the button for the third floor. He was bouncing the whole way up to his floor, eager to tell Wonshik he'd learned the neighbor's name, and eager to figure out what Wonshik had been waiting for so impatiently. 

He walked down to the apartment, eyeballing the door labeled 332 on his way. He went inside, practically tackling Wonshik who was in the middle of cleaning up from lunch. 

"Ah, Jaehwan, why are you so hyper suddenly?" Wonshik whined, struggling a little in Jaehwan's tight hug. "You were just complaining about having to move!"

"I know the neighbor's name! Also!" He handed Wonshik the brown unlabeled box with a Cheshire grin, humming. "This must be the thing you've been waiting for, yeah?"

Wonshik started blushing. "You didn't open it, did you?" He asked quickly, making Jaehwan raise a brow. "Nah, I didn't open it. What's in it?"

"Doesn't matter," Wonshik said, quickly going to his room to put whatever it was away.. leaving Jaehwan to pout. Must have been something really embarrassing, otherwise Wonshik would have definitely told him. He decided not to press it for now. 

He finished cleaning up the kitchen before sitting on the couch and waiting for Wonshik to come back because hey! He still hadn't told him the cute neighbor's cute name!

"Shikkie!" He yelled, pouting. "Hurry up!" He leaned back into the couch as Wonshik yelled his apologies, running into the living room and sitting close to him. 

"Sorry. Neighbor's name, right?" He asked, eyebrows raised.

Jaehwan nodded eagerly. "I checked the mailbox beside ours when I checked the mail.. his name is Jung Taekwoon!" He said with a grin, then paused, his eyes lighting up. "Oh, you know what this means?"

"You're a stalker?" Wonshik said in a teasing voice, smirking.

"No, no, no!" Jaehwan pouted, pulling out his phone. "It means I can look him up online! Like his Facebook and Instagram! I can see if he's single-"

"How does that not make you a stalker?" Wonshik laughed, pinching Jaehwan's side. The older male whined, squirming. "Aish, stop! Look!" He held out his phone, and Wonshik's eyebrows shot up.

Jaehwan had found his Instagram and scrolled through it a bit, to a picture of the male's soft face. He clicked on it, almost blushing as he looked at the man's delicate features.

He passed his phone to Wonshik, clapping his hands. "Isn't he the prettiest thing you've ever seen?"

Wonshik nodded, looking at the picture intensely before passing Jaehwan's phone back

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Wonshik nodded, looking at the picture intensely before passing Jaehwan's phone back. He wasn't wrong, the man was incredibly attractive—

"Kim Wonshik, did you like the picture!?" Jaehwan shrieked, nearly throwing his phone.

Wonshik raised a brow. "Yeah, what's the problem?"

"It's an old photo!" Jaehwan yelled, covering his face. "He's going to know I went looking through his Instagram! Now he'll definitely never talk to meeeee!"

The other man shrugged. "I don't get what the problem is, Jyani.."

"The problem is that not only did I find his profile, I went deep into it! He's going to find me creepy!"

Wonshik shrugged, tilting his head a bit when Jaehwan's phone vibrated. "What was that from?"

Jaehwan swallowed hard as he saw a red heart in the corner of the screen. He had a notification. He clicked on it, holding his phone far from himself like something was going to pop out and attack him.

[leo_jungtw liked your photo.]

"Ah!" Jaehwan yelled, cringing. Now Wonshik was highly confused. "What's the problem now? It's not like he blocked you."

"He liked a photo from two years ago! Do you know how many ugly pictures and bad videos are between my new posts and that one?" Jaehwan whined, covering his face.

"All the aegyo..." Wonshik mumbled, shaking his head. "Maybe he'll find it cute? Don't panic over it, Jyani."

"I can't help it! He's so pretty and he lives right there! I wanna impress him, but I've already ruined that, huh.." He sighed miserably, hanging his head. He suddenly perked up when his phone vibrated.

[leo_jungtw started following you.]

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