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The whole time Jaehwan was at work, he couldn't get the cute neighbor off his mind. He had gotten yelled at quite a few times after he dropped a cup of steaming hot coffee, nearly spilling it on a fellow barista. He couldn't help it! His brain just wasn't functioning today.

He really wanted to pull out his phone and follow Taekwoon back, because he'd been too scared to yesterday.. but now he was stuck at work and his phone was completely dead. It was driving him nuts. 

The minute he went on lunch break, he ran to the employee's room and plugged in his phone, whining whenever his phone said not to turn it on for at least five minutes.

"Why are you so bent out of shape, Jaehwan?" He jumped a bit, turning to face his older coworker, Hakyeon. "You're usually so bubbly and smiley, you've been very jittery today." Hakyeon patted his head, frowning a bit. "Something the matter?"

"It's nothing, eomma," Jaehwan sighed, shrugging. Hakyeon smacked him in the back of the neck, shaking his head. "One, I told you not to call me that at work! So embarrassing. Two, it's something. Tell me!" 

Jaehwan groaned, shaking his phone. "If my phone would just turn on, I could show you instead!" He whined, pouting. "I have a new neighbor and he's really cute and he followed me on Instagram last night, and I'm trying to follow him back!" He said, letting out a yell as his phone finally powered on. 

Hakyeon raised a brow, leaning on the back of Jaehwan's chair. "Ah, so you got over-"

"Shush, look at how cute this boy is!" Jaehwan yelled suddenly, pulling up Taekwoon's Instagram. 

Hakyeon tilted his head, looking at the screen. "Oh my, he is cute!" He clicked the follow button, humming. 

"Don't say that, he's mine!" Jaehwan pouted, snatching his phone back. He gasped when he noticed Hakyeon had followed Taekwoon, smacking his hand. "Why'd you follow him back!" 

The older man raised an eyebrow. "Eh.. Jyani.. am I missing something here? Didn't say you were going to follow him back?" 

Jaehwan threw his head back. "I didn't know if I really wanted to or not! Now it's been done!" 

Hakyeon shook his head, rubbing his temple. "It's really not that big of a deal! Now you'll just see his cute face all the time, yeah?"

Jaehwan nodded, sighing as he glanced down at his watch. "Y-Yeah, you're right, I guess. Anyhow. Time for me to get back to work."

Hakyeon patted his back as he left the room. "Try not to spill coffee again!"


"Wonshik, would you get off your phone? I need help moving these boxes!" 

The man gave his coworker an over-dramatic sigh, stuffing his phone in his pocket, holding back the urge to pull it back out when it vibrated again. "Hold on a minute, Hongbin. I'm coming." 

"My back..!" Wonshik rolled his eyes, jogging over and slipping his hands under the box, lifting it up. "Hey hey, none of that. You're not an old man, you know." 

Hongbin groaned, carrying the heavy box out of the back of the truck. His eyes went wide as he saw their other coworker, Sanghyuk, easily lifting a similar box with no difficulty.

"At this rate.. I think Hyuk could move all of this on his own faster than the two of us could." He said quietly, and Wonshik shook his head. "Maybe. But he's definitely helping us get done faster." 

Which was no lie, within about ten or fifteen minutes, they had the whole truck cleared out, and they could begin sorting stuff out. Wonshik was more than ready to finish up, in all honesty, he was struggling to focus. The only thing on his mind was his Instagram.

Why? Because, he'd followed mister leo_jungtw  and he'd been on a spree of liking all his posts. Even more exciting, he'd gotten a follow back and Taekwoon was spamming him with likes too. He was really giddy. Or he was, till Hongbin snapped him out of that.

He couldn't wait to be done with his mediocre little job at the supermarket, all he wanted to do was go home and cuddle Jaehwan and eat lots of food and most importantly, watch one of Taekwoon's videos.. for the sole purpose of finding out what the boy sounded like. 

It felt like he was there for a year, just cutting open boxes and moving packages to and fro, his mind in a million different places.

"Hey, is something wrong, Wonshik?" He didn't reply, so Sanghyuk kicked him in the back. 

"Ow, you brat-" He jumped up, ready to swing at his younger coworker. "What'd you do that for!"

Sanghyuk pouted a bit, shrugging a bit. "You seem really out of it today, figured I'd ask what's up. You didn't reply to me."

Wonshik groaned, rubbing his lower back. "I'm fine. Just ready to go home. That's all, really, Hyuk."

"You've been unpacking that box for over five minutes. Binnie and I already finished the rest of them. Something's wrong." Sanghyuk insisted, shaking his head. "Tell me, weirdo." 

Wonshik jumped a bit, suddenly hyper aware of the situation. He hastily unpacked the box, then stood again. "It's really nothing, honestly. There's just this boy that Jaehwan is interested in, so I was checking him out.."

Sanghyuk hummed. "Overprotective, jealous Wonshik. We're done for the day now, go get your boyfriend!" He shoved Wonshik, making the older man groan. 

"Ow, you brute! He's not my boyfriend!" He rubbed his arm, shuffling towards the door. He shrugged off his vest and clocked out, waving towards Hongbin, and Sanghyuk, though more hesitantly. 

He got into his car, pulling out his phone as he turned on the engine. It was a notification from Jaehwan, he'd sent him a post that Taekwoon had just made - a selfie, along with nineteen million crying emojis and heart emojis. 

He sighed, tossing his phone on the seat. He wasn't jealous. Just a little worried at how fast Jaehwan was getting flustered over this boy. He'd do anything to keep his cutie Jyani happy, he just wanted to make sure he didn't get hurt. 

That was definitely it, he told himself. He was not jealous. And he was not attracted to Jung Taekwoon, nor Lee Jaehwan.

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