Chapter 4 - First steps

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"You've never been to the world of the living before, right, 4th seat Hoseki?", a voice got back my attention after gazing around. The moment we left the Sekai she couldn't help but stare at the new world. She had heard about it from Rangiku and her Captain from time to time, seeing it herself was a whole new story though.
"Um, no... This is my first time. Although... it doesn't seem to be so much different", she smiled at the 6th Division Captain and he gave her a nod.
"I see. We will first meet a man named Urahara Kisuke. You will need another body in this world."
Tamami blinked a few times as her superiors started leading the way to their new destination.
"Pardon me?"


"This is really uncomfortable...", Tamami stretched in her so called gigai and sighed glancing over at the Hitsugaya who didn't seem to be faced at all.
"You'll get used to it", was his answer.

The shop owner had given her a small instruction how her new body worked and gave her her mod soul with it, but honestly... She would have liked to hear more about it, let alone spend more time with this strange man in general. He was so... weird, but on their side, so she should let it drop.

"Alright, the plan is clear", the three Captains all nodded to themselves and Tamami tensed. She had been so caught up in her own thoughts that she forgot to listen. As Captain Hitsugaya started walking, she at least knew who she had to follow at least.
And so they walked. Quite some time she had to add. And after some more time she opened her mouth embarrassed.

"U-um... Hitsugaya-taicho...? Where... exactly are we going...?", there was some silence, he didn't stop walking though.
"You weren't listening before, were you?", he caught her red handed and she glanced to the side.
"I have to apologize... I-I swear I'm taking this seriously! I was just... thinking... and..."
"Calm down, Hoseki", he looked at her with something in his eyes she couldn't quite read and continued talking, "Just pay more attention next time. We're going to meet Kurosaki and the others to ask them about the hollow attacks. Captain Kuchiki and Soi-Fon meet up with Abarai."
"The substitute shinigami... but why aren't they together?"
"Because the teenagers in this world have school today."
"Is that why we're wearing this uniforms then?", she had been wondering about what kind of uniforms their clothes were.

By the time they were done talking, the school building was already in their sight. Tamami followed the Captain through the halls and a few students were looking at them weird.
Instinctively she walked closer to her companion.
"Don't pay attention to them."
"H-huh? I wasn't-"
"Don't lie. You're feeling out of place, but there's no need for that. They're looking at us like this, because our height irritates them."
"Are we... too small?"
"No", and with that their conversation ended. She would have liked to talk some more, but they arrived.

Hitsugaya opened the door to a classroom and both of them walked inside.
"Toshiro!?", one of the group of students stood up, walking over to the two shinigamis. He was rather tall and had orange hair.
"It's Hitsugaya-taicho", Hitsugaya answered him annoyed and Tamami chuckled quietly.
"What are you doing here? And who's that?", he pointed at her and after getting a glance from the Captain, she answered herself.
"My name is Tamami Hoseki, 4th seat of the 8th Division. Pleased to meet you", she smiled brightly at him and he returned it.
"I'm Ichigo Kurosaki, nice to meet you too. Hey guys, there's finally some help with this hollow thing", he looked over his shoulder and the others joined him, all introducing themselves. And after Tamami met Inoue, Uryu and Chad, Hitsugaya began talking again.

"We're here to investigate the strange appearance of these massive amounts of hollows. Not long ago we received the message from Kuchiki about it."
"Oh thank god, finally someone came for backup. I don't have anything against fighting them, but..."
"It is quite suspicious if we keep leaving the classroom in the middle of class", Uryu fixed his glasses and Inoue nodded, continuing.
"Not to mention the amount! Even if we all fight together, we're just barely enough to take them all..."
"Right", Chad added and Tamami made some mental notes on the information.
Hitsugaya crossed his arms: "We're here to help you and hopefully find the source behind all of this. Captain Kuchiki and Soi-Fon also came with us."
"Byakuya too?", said the tall orange-haired boy more to himself, "Anyway, thanks a lot."
"Don't worry, you've helped us out a lot so we do the same", Hitsugaya answered like it was no big deal.

Suddenly Inoue gasped excitedly and looked at the two shorties, "Does that mean you guys will stay longer than usual?"
"We hope it won't take too long, but I guess yes...", Tamami glanced at the Captain and he nodded with closed eyes to confirm her statement.
"You can stay at my place then~ I have a lot of room after all", she flashed them a smile, but Tamami was unsure.
"Will... that be okay? We don't want to bother you..."
"Don't worry, it's no big deal~"
"Thanks a lot", Tamami finally smiled back.

"Well, it's time to go home. Dad and my sisters are probably already waiting for me", Kurosaki took his bag and so did the others. All of them walked out of the school building.
"Are you guys coming with me right away?", Inoue asked.
"You go ahead, Hoseki. I'll meet you later", he headed to the opposite direction Inoue's house was and she simply nodded.
"Okay... take care of yourself", knowing he couldn't hear her anymore made her a bit sad though. She couldn't hold back a sigh.
"I'm sure he cares about you", the - feeling slightly down - girl looked at Inoue confused.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Well, you seem to be upset he left you all alone."
"U-um...", she bit her lip. Someone really needed to work on hiding their feelings. She was like an open book to anyone who even glanced at her.
Inoue simply smiled, understanding her troubles slightly.

As they arrived at the house, Tamami got a house tour and explained how things worked. She kindly turned down the offer of food after she saw what Inoue had cooked. She wasn't even sure if that was edible after all, the orange-haired girl seemed to like it though.
So, staring at the blank ceiling, wearing some of Inoue's pyjamas ans thinking about a certain someone who still hasn't shown up, Tamami gave her best to fall asleep. A small yawn escaped her lips and she closed her eyes, drifting off into the dreamworld before she even knew it.

"I guess... we'll be here for some time."

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