Chapter 8 - Vision

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After what seemed like forever, Tamami was finally able to calm herself down and actually enjoy their time together. Hitsugaya didn't bring it up again, but instead even distracted her mind by making smalltalk. Well, she was actually talking more, but he paid attention and occasionally responded with a few words.
It was weird at first to talk about favourite foods or colours with a Captain. Soon though she reminded herself, they were people too. Sure, they had great responsibility for a Division and were strong, seeing their 'normal' side once in a time was nice too.

"Oh, look! They even sell amanattō here, what a coincidence~", she walked over to a small booth on the streets and looked at all the sweet things in general. He stood beside her eyeing the sugar covered beans. She wasn't sure if he considered buying some, she did it anyway.
She thanked the salesperson and looked at the small package in her hands before holding it out to Hitsugaya.
"I hope you enjoy them."
He hesitated, eventually took them though, "You didn't have to."
"But I wanted", she gave him a small smile which made him look down at the package and chuckle softly.

The moment was ruined when the woman who just sold her the sweets began squealing.
"How sweet of you~ I know that children like you could never resist the taste of my goods. Ah... young love~", she looked at the two of them dreamily. Oh no...
While on one hand Tamami was a blushing mess, she already knew what was bound to come on the other one.
"I'm not a child...", he heard an angry and annoyed voice coming from beside her. She knew Hitsugaya hated nothing more than this - besides Rangiku's laziness maybe.
"Oh, but of course, you're already an adult after all~", the lady joked around and Tamami could see a vein appear on the Captain's head. Before he gave her a piece of his mind though, Tamami's hand quickly found his and she smiled sweetly at the booth owner.
"Thank you very much once again. I'm sure we'll enjoy the rest of our day together. Have a nice day!", she shouted over her shoulder, already pulling him after her.

A few feet away and rounding one corner she let go off his hand as if it had burnt her.
"I-I have to apologize! I had no right to do that...", Tamami kept her head low.
"It's... alright. Probably was a better idea anyway", he still sounded slightly pissed, but when she glanced at him he stuffed the amanattō in his pockets and put his hands in afterwards.
"Let's just continue. I want to get back home soon", he continued walking and she followed him. She was sure he didn't mean anything with that statement, but she felt kinda down. Hopefully she wasn't annoying him.

They strolled down the sidewalk in silence for a good five minutes until something struck her eye. She stopped near a music store and looked amazed at all the instruments. She absolutely loved music, nearly everything. Her eyes wandered from the CDs to the guitars, then to the records - and squinting her eyes lightly she even saw a piano inside the shop.
She had to ask Ichigo next time if he could maybe show her how these things worked. The world of the living was so fascinating for her.

"Hey, Hitsugaya... Do you think we could-", but the white-haired Captain was no longer by her side. She had a look around, finding him nowhere though. She immediately wanted to get her phone out.
"Did I seriously forget it?", she groaned after finding her skirt pockets empty.
"Hey, relax a little bit, princess", Arashi's voice rang in her head, "He did say he wanted to get back home after all. You can also have fun without him. Or do you wanna stick to him like a dog all the time?"
"I-I'm not a child...", she paused, "But you're right... He most likely went home."
The nod to herself reassured her and she went on. It's been a while since she did anything alone besides working anyway.
"You go, gurl!~", she smiled.

Tamami had a great time. It probably would have been more enjoyable if Hitsugaya was with her, but it was how it was.
She found cute clothes, ate some chocolate covered strawberries and watched the humans around her. Not wanting to be creepy, she sat down on a park bench, also enjoying the fresh air and nature surrounding her.
The few couples who passed her were slightly irritating. She didn't want to stare too much, her thoughts always wandering back to thinking about her crush. She hoped he wasn't mad or anything, he did tell her though that he knew she wasn't weak.

The little noise suddenly caught her attention. She didn't even notice the white kitten sitting in front of her until now. It looked up at her with its big blue eyes and she chuckled, leaning down to pet it.
"What are you doing here? Don't you belong somewhere?", she scratched its head hearing the creature purr in delight. The moment didn't last long as the kitten turned around and slowly began walking away again.
Tamami was a bit disappointed, but it probably was a stray cat. The furr was as white as pure snow though, it had to being to someone.

She saw the kitten sitting a bit away from her, clearly waiting for her to follow. This felt weird and off all of a sudden. Getting up anyway since there was nothing else to do, she walked over to the white ball of furr and watched it walk ahead. She sighed and followed it.

Their walk 'together' was peaceful and calm, filled with silence and Tamami felt at ease. Wait...
She opened her eyes - when had she closed them? - finding herself about to cross a road. The kitten was sitting on the other side already, its tail swinging calmly behind its back, eyes fixated on Tamami's every move.

Her legs moved before she could think. There were no cars, no people, no noise. The kitten's eyes were... hypnotising...


Something was calling her... or someone?
She stopped. Her heartbeat rang in her ears, she could hear her blood run through her veins.
A loud noise from her left.


Where did that truck came from? Why couldn't she move? Why did she follow the kitten in the first place?
A hard impact on her body. Her world was spinning.


That voice... that numbness in her body... the taste of blood in her mouth... the ringing in her ears... her blurry vision only able to detect a white light in the black one slowly starting to surround her...


"What... happened...? Where... am I...?"


*Authors note*

Dear readers,
I want to apologise for not updating so long last week. I'm back with new ideas and hope you'll enjoy them :)
And with this chapter... please bear with me here, everything will be explained eventually.
I'm doing my best trying to combine story and romance, but not rushing anything.
I hope Toshiro isn't too out of character, it's really hard to not let him slide into my 'fan girl' version and act all lovey dovey with Tamami xD
Until next time then♡

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