044. Running in the Middle of the Night

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044. Running in the Middle of the Night

After taking off the helmet, He Jin sat still for a while to let his mind return slowly to reality.

"You've come back!" Upon hearing movement behind him, Hou Dongyan hurriedly turned around and laughed,"Five hours have passed. I've been checking on you several times, I was afraid you wouldn't come back!"

He Jin: "You watch too many sci-fi movies..."

Hou Dongyan: "Big Head came over just now. When he saw you sitting there motionless while wearing a helmet, he asked me curiously if you were blowing your hair with hot air." Big Head was their nickname for one of their roommates, he was a learning madman who always had his head buried in a book, "I told him that you were playing a game. Then he asked me, 'Playing games like this? Don't lie to me,' I told him a bunch of things about holographic helmets before concluding, 'Haven't you seen Avatar? It's the same as that', and he was dumbfounded at the time, hahaha!"

He Jin also laughed and asked: "He was looking for me?"

Hou Dongyan: "Yes, he came to ask you to borrow class notes, I helped him find them, but also told him not to touch you, because it could cause your soul to become stuck in the game. You should have seen his face at that time, it made me laugh to death!"

"Pfft, you are so exaggerating..." He Jin then remembered Leisure Cloud telling them that he was being tickled by Wild Crane in reality, which meant he could feel it even when he was online. He told Hou Dongyan about this and said that it didn't matter if he was disturbed while playing.

Hou Dongyan: "I told him I was joking. That Big Head, he would even believe something like this."

He Jin smiled and shook his head. When he got up to wash his face, he caught a glimpse of the red flash on his smart bracelet. There was one unread message sent by Qin Yu- "Jogging tonight?" – from two hours ago.

When Qin Yu taught He Jin to play tennis two weeks ago, he casually said that he would accompany He Jin to run, and He Jin could call him whenever he was free.

Seeing him so enthusiastic to help him, He Jin felt especially grateful. So, he hurriedly replied once he saw the SMS, no matter how late it was: "Sorry ah, I didn't see your message. Are you asleep already?"

Unexpectedly, Qin Yu's reply came really fast: "I'm not, were you busy?"

He Jin: "No, I was playing a game, so I didn't see your SMS."

Qin Yu: "Are you going to sleep now? "

He Jin: "I'm getting ready to wash my face. But I'm still feeling very excited, so I probably won't be sleeping anytime soon."

Qin Yu: "Do you want to go run two laps now?"

He Jin was surprised, running when it's already past midnight? But then he thought about it, jogging two laps would most likely take 10 minutes, and he might be able to sleep more easily once he became tired from running. Not to mention, he replied to Qin Yu's message so late tonight, so refusing his offer didn't seem nice.

"OK, I'll change my clothes and meet you downstairs in about five minutes."

Qin Yu did not wait downstairs, but went directly to the third floor instead. After waiting for two minutes, he saw He Jin coming out from room 306. The other man was wearing a slightly thick sportswear. When he saw Qin Yu, he quickly walked over to him.

"Why are you here?" He Jin seemed to be in a pretty good mood.

"It's cold downstairs." Qin Yu answered, before walking together with He Jin to the staircase. There was no time-restriction policy in Hua University's dormitory building. Using the electronic door card, the students could go out with no problem any time, even in the middle of the night.

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